David Barnett
David Barnett
Eminent Member
Joined: 08/24/2020 18:17
Last seen: 01/09/2025 17:46
Topics: 3 / Replies: 18
RE: Ignition Issues with Aftermarket Systems

Thanks, Wobbly- questions answered! I broke in on early to mid '60s Brit Bikes (Matchless/AJS)..... therefore scarred for life by Lucas. Viejo

1 year ago
RE: Ignition Issues with Aftermarket Systems

I must admit that Boyer was off my radar until recently, but the more I hear the more I like.... very highly recommended by my friends at Martindale M...

1 year ago
RE: Ignition Issues with Aftermarket Systems

Excellent thread! I've been thinking about a Wedgetail for my R75/5 (still am) but this has added to the list of questions I need to research prior t...

2 years ago
RE: 1971 R75/5 (SWB) Seat Restoration

Thanks, Wob....... the search is underway. Viejo

3 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 778
RE: Fusing a 1971 R75/5

Wob, Thanks for the response and info. My /5 is going to be kept as bare bones as possible (my '03 K1200RS provides all the hi-tech nightmares I ne...

4 years ago
RE: Scam Warning !

Wob, About 40 years ago I had my right shoulder rebuilt following a rather unorthodox dismount from my R90/6...... almost no ache now but I am fai...

4 years ago
RE: Fusing a 1971 R75/5

Hola Don! Thanks for the timely reply and great direction. I'm a fairly competent Airhead wrench but electrics have always been the weak card in my...

4 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1133
RE: My Back is Killing Me...............

hadn't seen a BSA Triple in a while....nice You're absolutely right about platform versus rail lifts. Much safer and with the removable wheel plate...

4 years ago
RE: My Back is Killing Me...............

Red Tiger Balm and Mexican Brandy....

4 years ago
RE: Is this a record price? Made me feel damn good about the one I have in my garage (mine's not this nice).

Yep.... Thompson was also a serious BSA (Lightning Rocket, I believe) enthusiast during the time he was working on his Hell's Angels book. Strange...

4 years ago
RE: Gas or not? - winter storage

You might want to consider changing the engine oil and filter before laying up for the winter in order to remove any combustion by-products/contaminan...

4 years ago
RE: Is this a record price? Made me feel damn good about the one I have in my garage (mine's not this nice).

@wobbly Priced a Vincent recently? ? The last one I was associated with (from a distance) was a '48 Series "B" Rapide in complete/running/unre...

4 years ago
I'm Looking For A Universal Tinted Windshield

Very nice looking installation..... great paint as well. One caveat- be very cautious in crosswind situations with a handlebar mounted windshield.

5 years ago
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