Last seen: 01/12/2025 11:20
One major plus of the bike, is if there is a giant solar flare (EMP), the Airheads without electronic ignition should still run.
@wobbly Thank you for such a detailed response, that helps a lot. The hose you were speaking of that might have gone bad, is it: "Crankcase Breather H...
@4949 If the disk has gone bad, does it mean oil could collect on the air filter?
I removed my right head and have several pictures. The cylinder walls are very smooth and I can not feel any pitting. Go here for the pictures.
@14724 definitely not a Harley guy, and as I mentioned in my initial post, I am currently rebuilding a R75 /6 and at times been frustrated with certai...
@14724 Thanks, it makes sense.
I wasn't really trying to dunk on the Airhead, it is my favorite bike.