paul peterson
paul peterson
Eminent Member
Joined: 08/24/2020 19:08
Last seen: 08/13/2024 08:59
Topics: 7 / Replies: 14
RE: Series : The Last Motorcycle TV series

All the websites say it is no longer available.

6 months ago
Airhead capable shops not so friendly ?

I see that a listed shop I went to a few years back was "friendly", but after they took apart my engine for a diagnosis and I asked how much experienc...

3 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 694
RE: Seat hinge post clips ?

Thank you sir ! They have them.

3 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 649
RE: Shaking / Vibration starting at about 35 mph

Yes, the issues have been identified. Now the question is "will fitting the tires correctly solve the vibration problem?", or do the rims also need s...

4 years ago
RE: Shaking / Vibration starting at about 35 mph

Does anybody have an opinion as to whether it is the beads not sitting in the rims that is mostly causing the vibration, or is it mostly due to the sl...

4 years ago
RE: Wyoming Carb problem

I also have a 1983 R80 RT, and kept finding tiny red bits around the filter screens, and in the carbs. Finally recoated the inside of the tank, and n...

4 years ago
RE: Shaking / Vibration starting at about 35 mph

@wobbly The work was done at a reputable Airhead shop, so I did not even think that the tire replacement might have gone wrong. He did mention when...

4 years ago
RE: Shaking / Vibration starting at about 35 mph

@wobbly Thank you Mr. Wobbly Sir! The tire beads are not properly fitting into the rims, and the rims were damaged during the tire removal / replac...

4 years ago
Social Distancing... in the shop

Can you do a video on how your tire changing "machine" works ?

5 years ago
Can't get the idle jets out

I was able to get them out by using compressed air. The o-rings were tight.

5 years ago
Can't get the idle jets out

It was easy to unscrew the jet. It just spins around now, and will not come out. Same for both carbs. I don't remember this happening last time I re...

5 years ago
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