Last seen: 03/17/2024 06:05
Welcome! Nice bike - are the tires okay = what are the date codes? I never ride on tires more than 6 years old. You need a rubber boot for your shifte...
I just pumped one fork a lot more and the purple oil that came out at first looked pretty clean now the more I pump them the dirtier the oil looks - w...
Thanks, I'm actually glad they ripped the previous owner tried a jury rig paint job on the front fender (I improved that already) and they had paint s...
Helps a ton - thanks -- I thought not very much oil came out when I just tipped them over into pan. The oil is purple is that normal? I have Liqui Mol...
Got it disassembled and when I took the fork nut from the crown I didn't hold the allen screw so when I removed the fork the spring is exposed from th...
Thanks Ricard - this is exactly what I was looking for - appreciate it.
It is a fun bike thanks - but I bet I've put less than 50 miles on - spend all my free time getting it it good working order - the past owner wasn't e...
Another ......... IMG_1378.jpg
Here's a shot.......... IMG_1379.jpg
Thanks, both my R80G/S & R100S have stainless steel brake lines. I'm pretty sure what happened is while the wheels were off for two weeks - even t...
@4949 You're right on. I guess the important thing is if you have your front wheel off on a disk brake bike make sure no one pulls the brake lev...
Got it. Bled the brakes and undid right hex screw bounced front end tighten it again and now seems go to go.
It's the brake caliper - I took it off and the wheel spins fine & when I put caliper back on and tighten it all the way the wheel locks up again?
@4949 Thanks - I have both spacers installed the narrower one on the brake side as manual states.