Last seen: 01/19/2025 16:16
Found some magic sauce! So, I was in the music store the other day, it is actually a Bait Shop that serves BBQ at a lunch counter and they happen to ...
Good advice thanks. I know that the new lines will be a game changer but for now I shall revel in the fact that I solved the problem and did not do i...
Did the bleed with my Syringe from the bottom up. I sucked out most of the fluid from the MC and added a touch more from my container. I attached ev...
Basically the exact method that I dreamed up too! I am using a 100ml syringe. It dawned on me as I read one your other comments that the brake lever...
Got most of the air out, still gonna try one more bleeding but this time, with the front wheel out and kinda holding the calipers sideways. I am conf...
I was having similar problems and am in the process of changing the bulbs as recommending here. I also installed a cut off on the negative terminal. ...
An update. So the front hole was plugged and not open to the piston below. I opened it up. This allowed the brakes to "release" but still spongy. ...
I have the same issue but it is intermittent. I can cycle the key a time or two and they go off. I am suspecting something in the switch itself rat...
Okay, an update. I traded the 1999 F650 for a 1988 R100RT. The RT had some brake issues, the front caught on the third pump. did a bottom up bleed ...
Stan in Gainesville has talked me out of this one. Anyway, on to the next one. Kinda liking the R80 GS, think I may try and spy one of those. Anyon...
Awesome advice Wobbly. I was looking at the return to naked myself and had surmised those were the high dollar options as well. I also love that I c...
I have a line on a 75 R90/6 that is mostly together. I can get it rather cheap and as long I sort out he electrical, Stan is Gainesville is game to a...