Last seen: 03/02/2025 11:16
McKenzie Pass Highway I think it is 242 is very beautiful, Dee Wright Observatory on the top, great view of mountains and lava beds. A few hikes from ...
Great looking bike, should be a hoot to ride all over Canada!! Good Luck and most of all have fun!
My 2 cents worth I don't like reading Airmail or any other group publication On Line. I end up printing them off and reading them in my lounge chair....
I think the wedgetail is worth the wait for sure, that is my next one, when like you, my boyer dies
Much easier to just drop out and not be a member and avoid all this drama.
Why don't you guys like magnetic tank bags? Looking for a reason. I have a Tourmaster smaller tank bag
There is also a Washington BMW club and an Oregon BMWclub (BMWRO). BMWRO does monthly rides out of the Tigard BMW shop. Both are easy to find on lin...
Trouble with Servo, is mostly limited to the 1150. The 1100 did have some rear end issues, mostly with overfilling them and then they break. Other t...
Mike did you ever get the wiring sorted out? I bought a harness from EME, which was very good, but it wasn't quite the same. Had to jerry rig the li...
I am not a weldeer, but I have fiberglassed several seat pans. Cover the holes with fiberglass mat or very thin metal, then fiberglass the whole thin...
Not sure about Portland, but there is a great one in Brownsville at the gas station. I have seen his work on ghost flames on cars.
Did the same myself this wnter on a 77. rebuilt stater and installed new cables, Haven't started it yet, but hitting th button it fires fast.
I bought a "Big Blue" motorcycle lift, it attaches to the footpegs and raises the bike to eye level if you want. Not good if you have to undo the foo...
I have plenty of touching even after Murph gets done. Electrical is all messed up from some ham fist. Spline lube and sorting out brakes. no need t...