john stirling
john stirling
Trusted Member
Joined: 08/24/2020 19:21
Last seen: 03/30/2021 14:54
Topics: 0 / Replies: 81
'93 R100 GSPD: Final drive ratio

On my 1993 R100GSPD it turns about 4,500 + at 75 mph. Closer to 5,000. Seems pretty low gearing and I'm constantly having to push to keep up to inters...

5 years ago
'77 R75/7 Ticking Noise From Right Cylinder

Time for Arni to have his nightly chocolate vodka cream so typing and ideas may get more ragged. I beg forbearance. Lifter noise will come from the...

5 years ago
'77 R75/7 Ticking Noise From Right Cylinder

The stethoscope is very sensitive. This can be good and bad. Keep this in mind. Sometimes using the less sensitive 'big screwdriver to the ear' method...

5 years ago
'76 R90/6: Breather drain port location

Castrol 4T 20/50 would be a better choice in a Castrol oil. It is a motorcycle specific oil and has the level of ZDDP your lifters demand. I use it be...

5 years ago
'76 R75/6: Points don't open

um...actually emery abrasive does come on paper backing. I have a whole bunch out in the garage, You can call home and ask ma wife. It also comes on m...

5 years ago

Have you thoroughly cleaned about a quarter of the way around one race and checked for brinelling? If found, the bearings will need to be replaced. ...

5 years ago
'76 R75/6: Points don't open

Snowbum has the emery paper. But you go back to Muir you find the points file.

5 years ago
R75/7 Tachometer Issue

Knowing the year of the bike may or may not help. Off the top of my head I do not know if you have a mechanical tach or an electronic one. The mechani...

5 years ago
1975 R60/6 Front wheel noise stopped by lightly applying front brake lever

The most obvious thing is to give the brake a complete tune up. You might also try filing a slight chamfer on the leading edge of the shoes. The dust ...

5 years ago
suggestions for membership increase

Ericc, When I spoke of "set in our ways" I was speaking of us as individuals, not as a group. Ride long enough and you will develop your style of r...

5 years ago
Timing RPM

There is the slowest RPM at which the beancan hits maximum advance. But once it is at full advance that's it, it stays there as fast as you want to ru...

5 years ago
Timing RPM

So how does it run? That trigger and advance setup is pretty set and forget. You can mark the can and case with marks from a sharp punch so if you ...

5 years ago
suggestions for membership increase

I agree Scot, I am very critical. it is my worst faults (aside from being grouchy on Wednesdays and a weakness for fine scotch). But critical thinking...

5 years ago
'74 R90: DIY Barn Find Project Bike

not all that glitters is gold. Do not do anything with the carb butterfly shaft o-rings until they are proven bad on a running bike. it's an easy test...

5 years ago
Timing Covers & Oil Coolers

Yeah, on my '83 RS I got sick of that the first time I had to do it. So I fabricated a new bracket. Now I can reach in from one side with a long handl...

5 years ago
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