Andrew Lane
Andrew Lane
Active Member
Joined: 08/24/2020 19:15
Topics: 7 / Replies: 11
'77 R75/7 Ticking Noise From Right Cylinder

Thanks for the response Arni, I have done two valve settings in the last 2 months, an initial one around a month ago and one last week after a long t...

5 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 676
Replies: 3
Views: 874
R75/7 3000 RPM Idle

One more issue has popped up just as I was getting excited to get back on the road. Yesterday, I almost ran out of fuel and had to go on reserve. Put...

5 years ago
R75/7 3000 RPM Idle

Thanks Wobbly! I rode the bike for ~10 miles yesterday and the smoking slowed to almost nothing. Today I started the bike for a quick ride and the smo...

5 years ago
R75/7 3000 RPM Idle

Thank you for the encouragement... it has been slow going but I have been enjoying learning about the bikes. I have not yet tried changing the oil but...

5 years ago
R75/7 3000 RPM Idle

Fixed the idle issue today. Turns out that is was the left carb throttle blade not returning to fully closed because the return spring was too short. ...

5 years ago
R75/7 3000 RPM Idle

Some new updates on the situation: I took the right carb off the bike and took it apart again and inspected all the O-rings and see if the choke is on...

5 years ago
R75/7 3000 RPM Idle

Adjusted the valves and replaced the spark plugs today and started the bike up, the over-revving issue seemed to get a little better. The bike would n...

5 years ago
R75/7 3000 RPM Idle

Thanks for the response Wobbly, you have been a great help to us. As more of a background... the bike came with two different carbs (you might recall...

5 years ago
Replies: 16
Views: 1553
R75/7 Turn Signal Flasher Relays

Thanks again Wobbly! When the Green/Black and the Green/Yellow wires were directly connected, both side's lights lit up so a new flasher unit and some...

5 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1219
Replies: 7
Views: 1034
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