Stefanos Tran
Stefanos Tran
Active Member
Joined: 08/24/2020 18:23
Last seen: 11/29/2020 16:34
Topics: 7 / Replies: 8
RE: '83 R100CS 450W Enduralast Charging System does not sense 12.6+ volts

@murphyam53 Just wanted to thank you again for sharing your expertise on the matter. I think I have disconnected and measured the resistance from th...

4 years ago
RE: '83 R100CS 450W Enduralast Charging System does not sense 12.6+ volts

@murphyam53 Thanks for the reply Andy. You are right. I connected the black wire to the terminal 15U. I realized it and wired it to termi...

4 years ago
RE: ‘83 R100CS weird clunking noise while coasting

@wobbly I didn't inspect the bearings myself. I just turned the output flange by hand and felt super notchy. That was enough reason for me to ha...

4 years ago
RE: '83 R100CS 450W Enduralast Charging System does not sense 12.6+ volts

I forgot to mention that when I checked for resistance at the black wire, I get 6ohms. Something is going on and I can't figure it out. The wiring in ...

4 years ago
RE: ‘83 R100CS weird clunking noise while coasting

Hey guys. I just wanted to update on my issue. It turned out to be a bad output flange bearing. I had the transmission rebuilt with new bearings and m...

4 years ago
‘83 R100CS weird clunking noise while coasting

I have 50K miles on the bike. I change all the fluids religiously if not WAY too often. I have been able to identify the clunkiness that I feel on...

5 years ago
‘83 R100CS weird clunking noise while coasting

Thanks will do. When u get going its perfectly normal. Its really hard to detect but something does not feel right.

5 years ago
'75 R90/6: Fast idle when adjusting carbs

oops sorry. i forgot. r90/6 1975. i have brand new springs installed and lubricated. i have slack in my throttle cables.

5 years ago
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