James Strickland
James Strickland
Reputable Member
Joined: 07/27/2020 18:03
Last seen: 03/09/2025 09:37
Topics: 17 / Replies: 408
final drive screw plug stripped

You might be able to fit a plug with "oversized" threads. I once used an oversized piggy back plug on the drain hole of a 4 speed transmission of a /5...

7 years ago
Subsitute ignition switch plate

I saw a /5 several years ago that had a replacement switch with an actual key installed in the top of the headlight where the original set-up used t...

7 years ago
R75/6 Fork Dampers

This is pure speculation on my part, which I am loathe to engage in as a general rule. Your /6 has the type of fork that requires the end of the damp...

7 years ago
Genius Move/Top Dead Center

At the risk of stepping on Wobbly's toes, The camshaft is the interior motor part that creates the lifting effect of the push rods, rockers arms and...

7 years ago
New member/top end advice

It's good to have an experienced practitioner assess your parts if for nothing more than peace of mind. The only time I ever found a badly ovalled cy...

7 years ago
Replacing Gas Line on '81 R100RS

The 1988 R100RS that I used to own already had the pulse air and other emission related parts removed by a previous owner. It had the vacuum ports ca...

7 years ago
New member/top end advice

Another option for you would be to contact your North Carolina Airmarshal. Airmarshals are the keepers of the state membership lists. That person ou...

7 years ago
Spring Ball Valve

I see that you are not getting any replies on this topic. I have never had this exact issue on any of my bikes. If you have not already done so, find ...

7 years ago
Low RPM Charging/Urban Riding

I can't know for sure what Wobbly's terminology refers to, but, on my early Airheads, there is a secondary bulb socket in the headlight for a small bu...

7 years ago
Low RPM Charging/Urban Riding

Wobbly's recommendations are spot on. I would only re-inforce his point from the second post to keep the RPMs up at all times when in motion. In any ...

7 years ago
1981 Exhaust Valves wearing out

The motor had around 600 miles. As far as the specs, I can't say. The machine shop that did the work used the specs from the OEM manual. I think it m...

8 years ago
1981 Exhaust Valves wearing out

I had a bad experience using Black Diamond valves along with BMW guides in a head re-build a few years ago. This was on my R75/5. I let the parts guy ...

8 years ago
Is the Bing Book always right?

The Bing Book has always been correct when ever I have used it. With respect to carbs on an R65 vs. an R65LS, I can not speak to that issue from perso...

8 years ago
Handlebar risers

I have seen a few different varieties of set-back risers that can be fitted to raise the handlebar and/or move the handle bar slightly closer to the ...

8 years ago
Brake grease

True enough on the paste designation. As an elderly motorcycle and tractor mechanic, the contents of my tube of Honda Moly 60 paste looks like grease...

8 years ago
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