James Strickland
James Strickland
Reputable Member
Joined: 07/27/2020 18:03
Last seen: 03/10/2025 05:24
Topics: 17 / Replies: 408
Prepping for the pushrod seal replacement - 78 R80/7

1. While I have it apart, does it make sense to just pull the pistons to see the condition of the rings? No. What I would do is to put the motor on...

7 years ago
Airheads to Peoria

We now have sites 21 to 24 and we have a master bar-b-que-er camping with us. One of my local guys who rides a Conours. He will bring a camper.

7 years ago
Airheads to Peoria

Here is the latest version of the announcement which was composed by my trusty assistant David Crawford; Race Saturday 8/18/2018 Campout 8/17/2018 ...

7 years ago
Tire mounting hints

I struggle with this very same issue. Only thing I know to suggest is dusting the tube with corn starch to make the surface a little more slippery. I...

7 years ago
Worthwhile Upgrades

If you have the Transmission out, be prepared to go just a bit further to get at the rear main seal and oil pump O-ring. I'm not saying that you must...

7 years ago
Increase membership

Bret, thank you for joining the ABC. I think Scott has it exactly right. Wobbly is a pro mechanic and, in spite of his Mea Culpa, is a valuable contr...

7 years ago
poor cold starting on '88 r100gs

I would vote for the blocked choke orifice in the bottom of the float bowl, as Wobbly suggested. I have seen this more than once. I actually solved ...

7 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 1522
Windshield Question

I have a "Memphis Shades, Hellcat" windshield for my R75/5. It is a gradient blue which jives with the original Monza blue of the bike, but they can b...

7 years ago
Unable to draw fluid to rear caliper

Disclosure; I have only seen this demonstrated one time - never owned an airhead with rear disc brakes. Remove the caliper, block the caliper with...

7 years ago
Post a Picture of your Airheads

jnicks01, your R80/7 just plain works for me. Very nice.

7 years ago
Hack Shocks

I had a rig a few years back. An R100/80/7 with a velorex sidecar. It was very similar to your except that mine had a stock front fork with dual ATE ...

7 years ago
where can I find a backrest like this.

Did you ever find your luggage rack with back rest? I've got one that I just removed from my R80RT. I put it on my R80RT back in the 90's and couldn...

7 years ago
Steering Damper

Hey fellas, if you just have to have the steering damper functional, this is a case where taking a beating on a new one is your best choice. Phil, t...

7 years ago
Spline Lubricant

Phil, if you are at all concerned about the spline lube being slung off, you are envisioning too much lube being applied. If you place a small bead of...

7 years ago
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