James Strickland
James Strickland
Reputable Member
Joined: 07/27/2020 18:03
Last seen: 03/10/2025 05:24
Topics: 17 / Replies: 408
swapping a 1971 4 speed to a 1983 R100/sidecar rig

If your 1983, R100 has the heavy fly wheel, it will work, but you will have to deal with the shifter being fitted to a splined shaft that emerges fro...

6 years ago
/5 Handlebar switches on /6

I have never done this type of modification, but I have owned /5's, /6's and/7's. First thing you would need are /5 or 1974, /6 handle bar control co...

6 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 3472
RT bellows

The last time I installed these parts was on an '88 R100RS. They would almost certainly be identical. I used a 3M product called "emblem adhesive". I...

6 years ago
Post a Picture of your Airheads

Here's my '95 R100 GS with just over 25K miles. It's about to get some upgrades courtesy of the cash I've got from my now sold water boxer GS-A. ...

6 years ago
Step by step instructions for winterizing and 5/10k service for an R75/5

O.K., on the oil filter, maybe you can mess it up. When you get the filter out, use a flashlight and check for an o-ring at the base of the tube that ...

6 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1305
Step by step instructions for winterizing and 5/10k service for an R75/5

Those aftermarket electronic ignitions eliminate the points except for the Dyna points booster which uses the points for a triggering device. That eli...

6 years ago
Step by step instructions for winterizing and 5/10k service for an R75/5

Well Blake, here is what I do. When the time comes to park my R75/5, 1)I top up my tank with premium non-alcohol fuel with some kind of fuel stabili...

6 years ago
R90/6 cylinder heads interchangeability

Most likely they will fit just fine. You might try looking on an on-line fiche like Max BMW's web site and see if the part number for the head casting...

6 years ago
Sudden loss of compression and oil fouling.

A cylinder that can only achieve 30lbs compression screams "broken rings" to me. Things I know for sure; 1) a bent or burn valve will achieve 0 co...

6 years ago
Sudden loss of compression and oil fouling.

I think Wobbly has it right. I wonder about the disparity in the compression.. I also wonder about the crank case ventilation system with the valving ...

6 years ago
1976 r90/6 US Air Intake Bullhorn Question

The short answer is that it can be assembled either way, if you know how. What you want to do is look at the curve of the space between the air filte...

6 years ago
My first airhead, has sat for 10 years, what to do before starting

If it were my job to get the motor running , I would; 1)Drain the motor oil and put in fresh oil with an API service rating of SG , and change the ...

7 years ago
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