8166, Got the bike back together and pushed it out and started it and the mysterious ticking noise was gone. I find it amazing the motor would e...
Mr. 8166, You were right, I adjusted the valves on exhaust stroke, will finish the job tomorrow and see how it runs. What an airhead, Mike
I thought I adjusted the valves on the compression stroke but it won't hurt to try again. When I replaced the pushrod tube seals I checked the cam an...
Thanks for the idea but I checked that already. There was approx. .001 space, just enough to see oil squish. Started thinking it might be timing ch...
Well I hate to admit this but I adjusted the valves entirely wrong. I am still getting used to the metric system. Lycoming and Continental motors were...
Yes it helps, thank you. Good idea, torque in stages.
Wobbly, you are correct, there is only threads in one half of the caliper. Drilling off the head of the cap screw made the removal of the screws e...
Drilling out the cap screws rows worked great, start to finish about 1 hour.
8166, Yep, you are correct, a senior moment, only 1/2 of the caliper is threaded. Thanks for the resources. I used to fly and work on airplanes,...
Thanks for the reply, Wobbly, with the rebuild kit for these calipers you get two new bolts of the correct size, would that help you in your quest ...