Steven Rankin
Steven Rankin
Reputable Member
Joined: 12/24/2015 20:27
Last seen: 03/09/2025 05:42
Topics: 11 / Replies: 233
RE: '75 R90/6, Bing Carbs, inconsistent spark plug appearance

I looked at a couple of spark plug sites, NGK, and Champion. I also did a search through Snowbum's website and found nothing in regard to the proper...

12 months ago
RE: '75 R90/6, Bing Carbs, inconsistent spark plug appearance

Yes Richard, we should look at pictures and get more data before telling Scott to do what could be a lot of work for nothing. Also, this is a /6 n...

12 months ago
RE: '75 R90/6, Bing Carbs, inconsistent spark plug appearance

For your upcoming replacement of push rod seals, you can slide the cylinder out enough to replace without taking it completely off. Again, unless ...

12 months ago
RE: Speedometer Kaput 1975 R90/6

Greg, you skipped threads. I answered you in your first post and see you are now in the airheads help section. Can you provide pictures of what you...

12 months ago
RE: '75 R90/6, Bing Carbs, inconsistent spark plug appearance

Scott, if you get a chance could you post some pictures of your plugs so we can see if this is a case of normal airhead behavior or something in need ...

12 months ago
RE: '75 R90/6, Bing Carbs, inconsistent spark plug appearance

David has given some good insight into perhaps what your problem is. Plug color can change mildly depending upon riding conditions. Traffic and sto...

12 months ago
RE: Speedometer Kaput 1975 R90/6

Greg, to be honest I would need a better description of the issue or pictures to answer you. Your speedometer is pretty well built and frankly I have...

12 months ago
RE: 1983 R100RS Tool Kit

I would go with either your first or third option. I have not looked at the kit that Aerostitch sells so I could be wrong but, there is a good possib...

1 year ago
RE: How about follow up?

Some people know the value of the members who answer questions on the forum and are polite enough to reply, of course I am not directing my ire at you...

1 year ago
RE: Please reboot the server

I am on a pretty high speed system and have noticed a slow down in the website. Particularly the forum. St.

1 year ago
RE: How about follow up?

You are welcome Mike, Cheers, St.

1 year ago
Replies: 6
Views: 502
RE: Foam Grips

So might I ask why are you looking on Ebay or Amazon for BMW motorcycle grips? Airheads magazine has a few companies who sell all kinds of equipment ...

1 year ago
RE: Cylinders possibly distort at 500Deg F?

I am not going to go into great detail. Richard gave good reasons against the plan you have. I personally would not try heating jugs to that tem...

1 year ago
RE: H4 LED replacement plug'n'play sought

Don, thanks for the update. As for all this, beam pattern is mostly due to light controlled (sorry not a good word) by the glass lens of the headlig...

1 year ago
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