Last seen: 03/11/2025 05:17
As long as you are not real far off of fitting, you should not have a problem. Good luck and let us know how you make out. St.
One thing, move the bracket, the fiberglass fairing is less forgiving of misaligned brackets. I have seen the inserts in the fairing pull out due to ...
I would think one could use straight edges, perhaps a carpenter's 90 angle rule, with a bit of messing to get things perfect. Not knowing how far of...
I don't have the bike to "see" what the fellow is talking about in terms of blurry, Points equipped bikes alway have some degree of blur with a timing...
Add another possible thing to the list. When you last replaced throttle cables, were the marks on the twist grip and gear lined up? One tooth off ca...
Hi, let me start by asking how many miles on the bike, what is it? Drop in gas mileage is the issue? Have you inspected the diaphragms? Any vacuu...
Hey David, funny you should mention this test, I have been emailing Stephen and did suggest what you write about. Good tip, thanks for sharing. St.
I have had diaphragms develop holes, so I have first hand knowledge of that, I can't say I have first hand knowledge of what happens when they just ge...
Just another thought, when you changed your rear tire, what condition was the final drive spine and dog in? I have had to replace mine twice in 200K ...
LOL, as time goes on and more information comes to light, other things can pop up in my mind as to possible solutions/areas to check. First, don't g...
Stephan, I did look on Max BMW's microfiche and I do see the advance springs are not listed. That does not necessarily mean you can't buy them. Thin...
Well, not sure about if you need to change your ignition system or not. I will admit I hate points and have in the past replaced them with two differ...
You have a 79 bike correct? in this case you do not have a Hall effect unit, unless someone replaced your points with one or as this is a R65 and the...
For your information EME sells a large selection of direct wiring harness replacements. They have a source in Germany, LOL one old guy who makes the...