Last seen: 03/07/2025 05:08
Our Germain friends at Siebebenrock have Krauser style bags for sale. Their website or their American dealer Boxer two valve as well as EME have hard...
Sorry for my mental lapse, I forgot you have a base gasket. In that case, I would remove the wrist pin, to take things off and replace it. I still w...
So do you really think the ring gap is going to be so bad at 25K miles? There was no mention of smoking or oil use so so I will stick to the advice of...
You are welcome, good luck, St.
Forgive me, I forgot you have a base gasket to deal with. So yes, remove the jugs and replace it. You only need to remove one side spring clip on...
You should be able to slide everything enough to fit the push rod seals into place without having to remove anything. IF you don't have room to sl...
You may have a problem mixing parts from the R90/6. A quick look at the microfiche shows different part numbers for rockers for the /5 and /6. Th...
Here is the BM bike link to the archived website, good luck. St. BM bikes
Hello Dave, I guess it look like you have discovered the number on the rear fender is not the paint code but the overall finish code including the pai...
I have been running rear tires for years either with or without tubes. Lately without because of my perceived and hopefully never to occur belief tha...
I just reported a scam last week. St.
My understanding is he made arrangements with the Vintage Club to keep his data available. St.
Hello Rodney, sorry you got such an issue. Yeah, the milage could be anything from sub 100K to 2 or 3 hundred K. Also, barn finds are sometimes stor...