Last seen: 03/26/2025 05:53
Honza: Thank you for the question and I am so pleased that you are enjoying the Airmail Magazine. In short, the Airmarshal is the state l...
Indeed that was a transition error, and it was not caught by the editor or reviewers. Thank you for pointing it out. I have notified the editor and ...
@895 I will have to check, it must be an editorial error.
@rtpilot - Where do you see the board changing the canons? No canons have been revised by the board.
This document represents a violation of club rules and the use of the Airheads Beemer Club Trademark. This file should not exist and should not be sh...
That will be in the minutes un the February issue.
It is precisely the fact the Mr. Hoffman would not do these things that he was asked to step down. He refused and was replaced. He was asked in the ...
Jon: So, I have the same part on my /5 and went dow to see where it was placed. When I found it, I remembered that I had the same question as...
Posting in response, by request from Duck - Subject: Another letter from the BOD At a called Board of Directors meeting on 12/20/2022 a major...
Steve: I will be attending the MOA National and bringing my 72 75/5 along, but I will likely trailer it and drive my VW Van to camp at the rall...
Steve: I will be attending the MOA National and bringing my 72 75/5 along, but I will likely trailer it and drive my VW Van to camp at the rall...
David: I was never a customer of C&D, but my father grew up in Freeport and I lived there for a short time with him while we renovated his childh...
Jim: I checked, and your membership is active through September of 2021. There are a number of roles on the web site that are not used by most membe...