Stan Wasser
Stan Wasser
New Member
Joined: 12/24/2015 19:27
Last seen: 12/07/2023 19:57
Topics: 1 / Replies: 3
Odd Starter/Engine Behavior on R90S

To answer Wobbly's questions: > battery age: 2-3 years - AGM sourced from Batteries+, 30AH. Reading after charger indicated it completed: 11.79....

9 years ago
Odd Starter/Engine Behavior on R90S

I don't yet have another starter installed on the R90S. However I'm hoping the vendor will turn around the replacement fairly quickly. I'm also goin...

9 years ago
Odd Starter/Engine Behavior on R90S

I pulled the cover and found a catastrophic failure of the starter casting. I posted some photos here: The vendor got back to me today and insists ...

9 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 12084


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