Feb 9-11,2024 Pennsylvania Airhead SuperTech
Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles in Boyertown, PA
The Pennsylvania Airheads will again host the SuperTech event this winter on February 9-11. This will be a weekend extravaganza of airhead tech sessions and expert advice and experience as well as some great camaraderie. Training sessions will cover how systems and components work, how to maintain and overhaul them, how to get out of trouble on the side of the road and how to keep these great bikes safe and reliable. Sessions will mostly focus on the ‘later’ airheads from /5 through end of production. For newcomers, the BMW Airhead cutaways and other possible goodies will be there to peruse.
We will gather for dinner and tire kicking on that Friday night for those arriving early and the tech sessions will begin at 9:00am on Saturday morning. We’ll have a light lunch and finish the sessions around 5pm. Attendees will have time to clean up and rest before the catered dinner that evening with a very special guest speaker, Tom Cutter. We are super psyched to see Tom this year!
Sessions will begin again Sunday morning and activities will conclude by noon. This event will be held in eastern Pennsylvania and will be open to only 60 attendees. Registration opens December 1st. We will have a standby list once the max number is reached in case of last minute cancellations. We are hatching plans to make this one the best ever so stand by and book your calendars. Hope to see you there.
Registration fee is $155.00 for members and $175 for non-members. If you plan on bringing a Saturday dinner guest an additional $45 is required.
Please send your check payable to
Rob Price
205 South Marmic Dr
Holland PA 18966
Please include your name, address, email address, member number and shirt size. Again, please include your name, address, email address, member number and shirt size.
We are working hard to have rooms “blocked off” at the Motel 6 in Pottstown PA. and the Comfort Inn (Fairfield Suites) in Pottstown PA.
Also, you’ll be added to the Supertech email list when your payment arrives along with a confirmation email of your registration Response to this event have been overwhelming. We’ve been super busy lining up the best stuff we can!
Thank you,
PA SuperTech Commission