Missouri – Platte Valley Tech Day

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We will provide breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday.

For those arriving on Friday evening, we will all chip in and order pizza as in the past. I would appreciate hearing from you if you’re planning to attend.  I want to make sure we’ll prepare enough food, so those that don’t let me know won’t have to watch the rest of us eat.  Don’t worry, we won’t let anyone go hungry! We will be having slow smoked, melt in your mouth pulled pork on Saturday evening, with a bunch of tasty trimmings.

Please let me know if you have a project you want to work on so we can try to have the necessary specialty tools available for the job.

Alcohol is permitted and enjoyed, but respectable behavior is expected.  If you want to bring your own beverages, that’s fine.  I will have some, but not an abundance.

There is plenty of room for camping or there will be some room in the shop.

Please contact me (Mark Nelson) at PCMAirhead@gmail.com or the MO Airmarshal, Joe Brinkmann at, moairhead@yahoo.com .

My cell number is 785-806-1879. If I don’t answer, leave a message and I will return your call.

Hope to see you the 1st of May!

My address is:

13380 State Highway N

Platte City, MO 64079

When using a GPS, enter the address exactly as it appears above.

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