Los Angeles Coffee and Conversation, Hill Street Cafe La Canada

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This Sunday, 9AM
Hill Street Cafe
1004 Foothill Blvd
La Canada
    Airheads, let’s get together again at the Hill Street Cafe. Anyone wants to stop at my house in Fullerton on the way is welcome to. I’ll roll up the garage door at 7:20 with hot coffee in the pot. We will leave Fullerton 8AM with a full tank of gas.  We should get to Hill Street around 9:00. We will kick tires for a couple minutes and then go inside. We can decide whether or not to do a group ride or go off on our separate ways. We can also discuss restarting the once a month get together.
    This is a good opportunity for a shake down ride for the summer Rendezvous.
John Covington

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