Lake Tahoe Tech Day

Event Details

It’s our second try for our 11th annual Lake Tahoe Tech Day.  Please join us in the forest overlooking Lake Tahoe to tinker or BS.  See if you can stump the local Tech Wizards?  Full shop and expertise will be on hand.  If you have a specific project in mind, let us know so we can line up the supplies, tools, and expertise.  It’s at Jon Krauss’ place at 8547 Speckled Ave., Kings Beach, CA.  Camping is available if you RSVP.  We will also offer sandwiches, stockpiled parts and beverages.  Saturday June 19, 2021, 10:00 AM until ?.
For more information , contact NV Airmarshal Ernie Baragar at 775-219-8881 or, or Jon Krauss at

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