BC Airheads Annual Midway campout

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The annual Airhead camp out in Midway British Columbia will be held a week later than it’s normal first weekend in June in order to facilitate those travelling on to the MOA national rally in Redmond OR the following weekend. Dates are June 6-9. This is an informal event with a suppers and breakfasts provided. As the regular caterer has retired the meals provided will be prepared in a rental kitchen with the food provided by the local grocery and liquor outlet who has done so in the past.  The cost of the meals will be shared by those attending. Camping at the town park is $10. per night. Motel rooms are available in Midway or nearby in Greenwood for those who choose not to camp.  There are also 7 bunk rooms still available at the Midway tourist location which are booked first come first served.  For more information, directions, to book a bunk room or to confirm attendance contact Brian at 403-714-7050.

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