Airheads at Black Bear Americana Music Festival

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Airheads at Black Bear 2021 –


The MA Airsharal with a little help from his Airhead friends will host an AirCentral Tent, bike show and camp and ride weekend at the Black Bear Music Festival in Goshen CT.


Black Bear Americana Music Fest – Columbus Day Weekend, October 8-10 2021, Goshen Fairgrounds, Goshen CT.  What promises to become a signature Airheads event.


If you enjoy Fall in New England, Camping, Riding and Live Music, this is the event for you.  A festival pass with camping offers re-entry at-will.  You can bring your own food and beverages, ride or hang out at camp and listen to music.  The music starts at 11:00 am and ends at 11:00 PM each day.


This is a music festival designed around the karma and character of an Airheads Rally.  From our reserved camping area we can see the main stage and acoustic stage and easy access to the food and beverage vendors.


Note, our area will not have electric or water hookups, but they provide a water filling station on the grounds, and we will have volume water supplies in the AirCentral Tent.


Register for tickets online at –


Please respond to this survey – – or send and email to Tim Hille – MA Airmarshal – so we can track the attendees and ensure sufficient camping space in our reserved area.


Airhead Specific Details:


– We will have the area reserved and the gate will have special instructions for Airheads to direct you to the area when you arrive.  Best Entrance for our area will be the North Gate.


I am having special edition Airhead Event Shirts made up and will only be accepting pre-orders due to the cost and supply chain shortages in the garment industry.  Please see the Survey, or send me an email if you would like to order a shirt –

– I will setup a parking row along the access road in front of the camping area, or you can park by your tent.


– I plan to make arrangements with the event organizers for us to have a People’s Choice bike show providing voting ballots for the festival attendees to view and vote for their favorite bike – Airhead Swag prize to the top 3.


If you are able and willing to volunteer for a shift at the Airstore or helping with other festival support activities, please let me know and I will work with the event organizers to put you to work – no pressure, just a fun way to meet people and more activities to do at the event.


If anyone wants to bring a trailer, or RV, you can take advantage of the RV sites with hookups or join us in the Airheads area and rough it along with us.


The space that is reserved for us will allow a tent area as well as a few trailers and RVs and we can mix it up any way we want.  We will have direct access to our area through the “North Gate” entrance, and can come and go as we like, day and night.


Here is what I ask of you all to help me make this work and plan for the appropriate space and other assorted Airhead accommodations.

1. Book your tickets online with Black Bear –


2. Send me an email or better yet, fill out this survey – to confirm you you have booked, and let me know what your plans are for attendance and accommodations.  I am going to confirm the number of Airheads with the event organizers for each Airhead person so she can track us as a group and keep the space available.


3. Spread the word to Like Minded Friends – It is not a requirement to bring a bike, but I promise you will not regret it as it provides some added fun to the weekend.  I want to keep this to Quiet Pipes and for the most part Airheads Only so that we stay on the invite list for the following years as I plan to make this a regular event.


Tim Hille

14325 – MA Airmarshal, Region 4 Director

Airheads Beemer Club

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