Airhead campout at Scottie’s Motofarm

Event Details

Mark your calendars: Airhead campout at Scottie’s Motofarm, August 5, 6 and 7, 2022
3282 E Hwy 4, Murphys CA 95247
Early bird arrival at Scottie’s Motofarm after 3PM Friday Aug 5.
Free camping at Scottie’s Motofarm.
Friday 6PM No-host “Dutch” dinner at Murphys Hotel.
Sat AM free coffee and bagels at Scottie’s.
Sat day ride: epic Sierras ride to be announced.
Sat PM: free BBQ and campfire at Scottie’s Motofarm, BYOBeverage.
Sunday AM: Suggested breakfast joints in the surrounding area.
Attendees are welcome to bring items to trade, sell, or barter for swapmeet. Scottie’s will have many Airhead swap meet items for sale.
Additional paid camping spots across the street at Brice Station Vineyards.

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