Event Category: Ride

In observance of the Covid 19 pandemic and the interest of the health & safety of others, the San Diego Tech Day that I have traditionally hosted in March will be cancelled.  But do not worry!  Airhead Bill Snee has come up with the great idea of a rendezvous at one of our favorite places:  […]

Join us for the 5th Annual(ish) NH Airheads Frost Heaves Ride – (Take 2), (FANHAFHR.2), Sunday, April 11th. (Rain date April 18th.) Come by and check out the NEW garage at 634 Deer Meadow Road, Webster NH, starting around 9:30 for coffee and snacks. At around 11:30, we’ll head out for a ride along the […]

This is a simple ride-in to Barrington Motor Works in Barrington, NH.  Ande Kahora is happily opening his doors for us to come park our bikes, meet fellow airheads, get a look at some of the projects Ande has going on, and perhaps eat some local food truck food.  Simple as that.  It’s not a […]

Just like last year, the Missouri Airheads are coordinating a “Rolling Rally” to the MOA and encouraging others to do the same. The idea is simple – if you’re riding to the rally, plan to rendezvous with other Airheads and travel, or at least camp together. Our route will start in MO with stops in […]

The TBone Classic charity ride poker run is July 24th.  This is a poker run that costs about $25 to join and benefits a needy child in WY.  It will start in Centennial, WY at the Whistle Pig Saloon then go to Centennial, then Laramie, then Woods Landing, then Riverside, and back to the Whistle […]

Salton Sea Rendezvous November 11 -14, 2021 100225 State Park Rd, Mecca, CA 92254 Mecca Beach Campground (760) 393-3059   You may have read Don Barletti’s very well written review of last year’s Salton Sea Rendezvous in the January edition of Airmail & the February issue of BMW MOA Owners News.  If you haven’t yet, […]

Airheads and other friends, Join us for the 6th Annual NH Airheads Frost Heaves Ride, (SANHFHR). Sunday, April 24th. Come by 634 Deer Meadow Road, Webster NH, starting around 9:30 for coffee and snacks in the garage (now with ELECTRICITY!) At around 11:30, we head out for a scenic ride in search of the famous […]

Saturday there is a ride starting at noon, for about 100 miles out of Benton County Fairgrounds, Corvallis Oregon.  Free pizza after the ride.  Camping for tents and RV’s available through Fairgrounds.  Sunday the vintage show and swap meet starts around 9 lasting till about 3.  This is a very laid-back show with anyone allowed […]

Mark your calendars: Airhead campout at Scottie’s Motofarm, August 5, 6 and 7, 2022 3282 E Hwy 4, Murphys CA 95247 408-475-2696 http://blog.scottiesharpe.com Early bird arrival at Scottie’s Motofarm after 3PM Friday Aug 5. Free camping at Scottie’s Motofarm. Friday 6PM No-host “Dutch” dinner at Murphys Hotel. Sat AM free coffee and bagels at Scottie’s. […]

See event details in Airmail.  This is a long-running event so if you know, you know.  Contact organizer for details: Gary Jackson, ABC #4586, So Cal Airmarshal.  619-559-0108  or SoCalAirmarshal@gmail.com Thank you!

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