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Rewire or just treat contacts ?

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paul peterson
Posts: 21
Eminent Member
Topic starter

My '83 R80 RT has the original wiring and connectors.  Everything runs fine, but I would like to prevent a reliability issue.  If I treat all the contacts with the deox material suggested in another posting, is that a good "80/20" fix (80% of the benefit is obtained with 20% effort), or is there a good possibility of issues from the old wires and connectors?  

If new wiring and connectors are suggested, what specifications do I look for, and where to purchase?

Posted : 03/27/2022 10:58
Richard W
Posts: 2625

I've always run the stock harnesses on all my Airheads. The quality of the wiring is quite good, and done with MUCH better materials than the newer bikes. Yes, the connectors, relays sockets and bulb bases may need a de-ox treatment, but treatment is something you can do in small stages, whereas harness replacement is not.

And I'd have to say that proper treatment is a near 100% cure. I've had bikes with weak sounding horns and poor starting routines that were completely cured through this method, and the issues never returned.

The few times I've had to replace a harness due to fire or short circuit, I treat them with a de-ox compound as I install the new harness. There's simply too much water in the life of a motorcycle not to.

Hope this helps.

Owning an old Airhead is easy.
Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.

Posted : 03/28/2022 05:52
Posts: 0
New Member

I've had pretty good luck with DeOxIt, and no problems with connections that have been treated years previously and sat outside in the weather. It's pretty easy to do, so even if you get the occasional hiccup every decade, it's not a big deal to redo...

Posted : 03/31/2022 12:20
chris stone
Posts: 11
Active Member

after 20 years wiring and connectors get worn, one winter I took the loom off and rebulit with marine wiring, but if that is beyond your comfort zone then one winter replace the loom 

Posted : 04/25/2022 10:07
Rick Schroeder
Posts: 58
Trusted Member


All the above is excellent advise. Another suggestion is any ground wires (brown) should be removed, burnish the lug and mounting surface. Poor grounds can be the source of many electrical gremlins. 

Hope this helps

Posted : 05/02/2022 15:00
John Ehrhart
Posts: 43
Trusted Member

+1 on the DeOxit.

I am treating connections every time I need to touch one.

And I had a tail light warning on my 540i intermittently for some time, but after treating the connectors, it's gone. 

It's not often something in an aerosol can cures a problem so decisively!

Posted : 05/03/2022 06:08
John Young
Posts: 46
Trusted Member

I learned about Deoxit from this Airhead forum. As suggested I've applied it in steps and have gone thru almost all my electric connections from headlight, under the tank to tail light.My electrical system on my 1985 rt80rt feels very healthy. 

Posted : 09/28/2022 07:31


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