Exhaust valve noise

Finally got the 1992 R100RT back together and with the carbs sync'd it starts easily and runs strong. After a 55 mile run there was just one small oil leak originating from the oil sensor but there is an unusual metallic sound from the left cylinder exhaust valve.
The noise isn't on the right side, just the left, I took a hollow piece of pex.. and put it on the exhaust valve area and up to my ear, the ticking sound is definitely from this area.
I have de-Carboned the piston and head, adjusted the valves numerous times, can't imagine what the noise is, perhaps a bent push rod? No I did not roll the rods on a piece of glass, the push rods looked good and the noise wasn't there before the changes.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance

Check for end play on the shaft that the rocker arm rotates on. I'm not sure about a 90's engine, but I seem to remember a wafer like spring on the rocker shafts of earlier engines that I have seen. Also, compare the noisy side to the other to make sure everything is assembled the same. I hope someone with more experience jumps in here.
former Airmarshal, IL.

Thanks for the idea but I checked that already. There was approx. .001 space, just enough to see oil squish.
Started thinking it might be timing chain. But my imagination starts going wild, gotta stick to simple things first.

I thought I adjusted the valves on the compression stroke but it won't hurt to try again.
When I replaced the pushrod tube seals I checked the cam and lifters, they looked OK.
Thanks for the idea.

Mr. 8166,
You were right, I adjusted the valves on exhaust stroke, will finish the job tomorrow and see how it runs.
What an airhead,

Got the bike back together and pushed it out and started it and the mysterious ticking noise was gone.
I find it amazing the motor would even run with the amount of valve lash caused by setting the valves on the exhaust stroke.
Thanks once again for your help, Mike

I have seen this sort of thing at tech days. It never occurred to me to suggest that . I am glad you got it worked out. Living and learning is what we do here.
former Airmarshal, IL.
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