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Marcus Priddy
Posts: 23
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Greetings from Portland Oregon!
I just joined.
Been on a Flying Brick last 4 years.
Sold the K75 and bought a R60/7, my first Airhead (pics attached).
Excited to be a part on the community.
I see a meet-up planned at Lucky Lab brewery in North Portland this Saturday; anyone planning on going?
"Noob" Question: My idle is high once warmed up. When that happens the de-celeration rate is really slow when I drop the throttle. Any comments or thoughts?
Thanks for any responses!

Posted : 04/06/2016 15:18
James Bounds
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

glad you made the switch , as far as high idle could be be lots of possibilities. Does it idle high when cold ? Could be as simple as throttle cables need slacking off if high idle when cold also . I would start with that to see if is slight slack in both cables when throttle closed. if they have slack then could be air leak in where rubber and carbs meet up make sure rubber is tight and not leaking holes or rotted . when running can spray some carb cleaner on rubbers and if it goes down probably air leak . I would start there.

Posted : 04/06/2016 16:35
Marcus Priddy
Posts: 23
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Thanks for the response 11108
It idles fine when cold so the cable slack should be ok.
I'll look for leaks as you suggest.
I read something about advance unit springs wearing out.
Perhaps that is at fault?
Thanks again for the response.

Posted : 04/06/2016 16:56
James Strickland
Posts: 424
Reputable Member

First off, thank you for joining the Airheads Beemer Club.(ABC)
Slow to return to idle when warmed up is an indication of a sticking centrifugal advance mechanism. If you are able to slow the idle speed clutching out while holding the brakes, this is another indicator. The advance unit is located on the front of the cam shaft under the front motor cover. Be sure to dis-connect the battery when removing the front cover.
If it were my bike, I would first try cleaning the advance mechanism by spraying the unit with brake cleaner and then drying it with compressed air and then applying a little lubricant to the pivot points where the fly-weights are held on to the unit. New springs might be a good idea, but be careful. They are easy to lose.

former Airmarshal, IL.

Posted : 04/07/2016 11:21
James Bounds
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

if your problem is only after it warms up i think it is most likely the advance unit.

Posted : 04/07/2016 11:30
Marcus Priddy
Posts: 23
Eminent Member
Topic starter

8053 & 11108, thank you very much for the responses and details. Much appreciated. I'll put your advice to work.

Scot, message heard loud and clear. I'll be sure to post technical questions in the Tech area or My Airhead needs help.

Cheers all,

Posted : 04/07/2016 17:22


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