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Wixom Saddlebags

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Tom Papsco
Posts: 22
Eminent Member
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Has anyone set up Wixom Saddlebags with the lighting used as blinkers instead of breaks?
If so, let me know how it worked, if there was enough power to drive the lighnting and if modifications were needed?

I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't work other than the need for power. I think there are 2 bulbs per side in the saddlebags so maybe eliminating one bulb could work but the light might be too dim.

I might have to experiment.

Posted : 12/26/2017 03:20
Richard W
Posts: 2625

Can't comment on the bags themselves, but there is generally no reason to worry about "power issues" since blinkers are an intermittent load on the electrical system. That is to say, they are not left ON for long periods while riding down the road; you use them and then they stay turned OFF for long periods.

The only way they could ever be an issue is with constant "around town" riding, where one blinker signal is followed immediately by another.

Owning an old Airhead is easy.
Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.

Posted : 12/26/2017 09:59
Tom Papsco
Posts: 22
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Thanks Wobbly. I might give it a try and see.

On another topic: You recommended I try JB weld to repair my S fairing. It is working very well. Definitely the right choice. I think if I had used another product there could have been differences in densities, making things difficult to sand flat. JB Weld just seems to blend into the base material perfectly. Thanks for the tip.

Posted : 12/26/2017 10:18


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