Snowflake Wheel Replacement

They are among us still.... sounds like the standard intro to a ghost story doesn't it ? 😛
In preparation for changing my front tire next month, I was doing some research and discovered the Snowflake Alloy Wheel Recall. Not wishing to install a new tire on a possible faulty rim, I did some research and sure enough, the 19" front wheel on my 1979 RT was in the recall lot.
► Snowbum's article
► NTSHA Recall Notice download
I called BMW NA Service at 800-525-7417 and they've agreed to pay for the replacement. To do this your 19" front snowflake alloy wheel has to meet 2 requirements:
• Be marked with a casting date before 1/82
• Not have the gussets added after 1/82
You'll also have to show proof of vehicle ownership and that the vehicle is currently insured. The new wheel assembly is sent to your local BMW dealership, and an appointment is made for their service dept to make the exchange. The folks at my local dealership were highly skeptical, but everyone at BMW NA was extremely helpful. Since their data base no longer holds VIN numbers for vehicles that old, you do have to supply lots of information. I was able to send good, clear photos which they accepted.
What your wheel should look like
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I struck GOLD !!
At 10AM this morning I took my 1979 RT to the local BMW dealer and received a brand new gold snowflake wheel ! The service rep showed me the final bill, which totaled to over $1000 ! Parts I received included an alloy wheel, new wheel bearings, new wheel bearing seals, new axle and axle spacers, and a new inner tube. They installed my new tire, and then balanced the entire assembly, all at zero cost to me. That part surprised me. I thought I'd at least have a charge for the grease and inner tube.
Nope, BMW picked up the entire tab !
Photo of my free Replacement Wheel
Owning an old Airhead is easy.
Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.

WOW, I'd heard/read that BMW was no longer doing replacements. My 1981 is the old style. I'm calling BMW NA Tuesday! Thanks for the News!

Things you need to understand...
• This recall only applies to 19 inch front snowflakes made up to 10/82. The wheel MUST be mounted onto a road-worthy and running Airhead. The dealership must be able to road test their work after installation. They will NOT replace a standalone wheel you simply happen to have.
• The "snowflake wheel replacement" is a NTHSA recall, and NOT a BMW elective service or warranty issue. Therefore it is mandated by US Federal law. As such, it has NO expiration date ! Therefore, BMW cannot deny your claim, as long as 1. you have the "weak" wheel on a running and road-worthy Airhead, and 2. they have new parts.
• However, it is true that BMW is out of the standard aluminum colored wheel, but BMW still has stock on a lesser used, gold colored wheel. So the only replacement they can give you is the gold wheel you see in my photo. If you can overlook the aesthetics in favor of safety, and you meet the 2 requirements, then you can collect a new wheel.
• When you call your local BMW dealer they will have all sorts of bad information and folklore about this recall. Don't listen to them, be firm and polite, but tell them that BMW North America will be calling them soon. All you need from them is a service appointment date about 30-45 days out.
• Have excellent photos ready of your wheel casting date, your engine number, and your frame number to email BMW NA.
• Take good notes on every name and phone number you call, because you may be required to call or email back to BMW NA or the dealership.
• IMPORTANT: This recall pre-dates ALL their computers and ALL the people working for BMW NA. Therefore, the tables will be completely reversed. You'll be the one calmly walking the distraught BMW Service Agent through the details (that aren't on his computer) of the recall (that happened before he was born), and the fix. Call the BMW Recall Center (800-525-7417) when you have ALL your data ready. In total, it took me about 20 minutes with BMW NA. Once they located the printed recall details, things started rolling on their own.
Hope this helps.
Owning an old Airhead is easy.
Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.

Ah there is my misinformation, I thought it was a BMW recall. With that 30-40 day time I'll need to wait for spring. But come spring I"ll get that gold wheel, I'm already nowhere near color coordinated.

Your reasons and requirements are not clear, but in your shoes I'd setup the appointment with the dealership now for next Spring. Then call BMW to get your parts on order starting tomorrow AM.
That way 1) you'll be assured of getting a wheel from their limited stock, and 2) if your calendar gets rearranged you could change your mind and have the work completed in November or February. Everyone's calendar is going to change over the next 8 months.
I assure you... you are not the only pre-82 wheel owner reading this. And once the stock is gone, it's gone.
Owning an old Airhead is easy.
Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.

To clarify, in about 30 days we start our annual winter migration to the lands on NO SNOW! But I'm thinking of taking the RT with me, Winter Solstice Saddle Sore 1000 planned 🙂 . I will not have my full tool kit but then this is all on BMW so I probably should find the local dealer in the land of Dixie and get it done down there.
Thanks for you insights Wobbly.

I used Hourglass Cycles in Buford, GA. This is about 2 miles off I-85, just north of Atlanta. You could have it done there as you pass through town going from Maine to Fla. They now "know the drill" and the service manager, David, was extremely helpful.
I think it's also important to get to BMW NA while it is fresh in their memories. As I said, this is NOT in their computer system and so there's a lot of fumbling around while people (who weren't even born yet) look up this old recall and verify.
Owning an old Airhead is easy.
Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.
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