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Reynolds rack #230 on an 85 r80rt help

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Reynolds rack #230 for 1985 r80rt.
- I am looking for anyone that may have installed the #230 Reynolds rack. I am searching for any pictures or instructions as it isn't lining up on the center brace that is located on the frame above the taillight. The bag mounts are the tubular type that came with the bike and not the Z mounts. It's all pretty straight forward however the bag mounts and the rack will not lign up correctly. Not sure if removing metal from both mounts and rack is the best option. I'm kinda stumped here and hoping anyone may have experience with this. Thanks in advance.
John Young
Posted : 03/27/2023 17:54
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You may have the rack intended for the SWB early bikes or single-sided late-model bikes. Come on by, I have a huge selection of rear racks, both round and flat.
Owning an old Airhead is easy.
Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.
Posted : 03/29/2023 05:05
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