Reynolds Center Stand

I've been looking for a Reynolds ride off center stand for my '83 R100RS. I think I've found one but I want to make sure it is the right model for my bike. The seller says it's a part number 348. Can anybody confirm whether that will fit my bike? Also, does anyone have a copy of the mounting instructions? It'd like to make sure I've got all the springs, washers and nuts.

Duane Ausherman has info on his site. Right at the top it confirms the 348 is correct for your bike.
Reynolds BMW motorcycle accessories – Duane Ausherman BMW motorcycles (
Attached is a copy of the mounting instructions (can't remember the source).

I have to say I do not like the Reynold's stand on my R100 RS. To me it makes no sense to have a centre stand that does not put a wheel off the ground and just riding off of it feels so wrong to me.

Posted by: @16813I have to say I do not like the Reynold's stand on my R100 RS. To me it makes no sense to have a centre stand that does not put a wheel off the ground and just riding off of it feels so wrong to me.
These stands come from a time when couples were crisscrossing North America on RT's. Busy all spring, summer and fall going to every state and national meet-up, and of course, loaded to the gills with all manner of tools and camping equipment. Most of these guys were retired and just enjoying themselves and their new RT's.
I know this because my own parents were in that mode. Road Rider Magazine 1988 couple of the year, Jesse & Margaret Land rode their RT to every state in the union, all the Canadian provinces, Mexico, and due to having bought one RT at the factory... Germany, Switzerland, Austria and a couple of other places. The thing was, when you're in your 70's the rider has to get fully suited and then get on. Then, the spouse is safe to mount. By which time the bike to too heavy for one (or even 2) to get it off the stock center stand. A ride-off stand was the only answer.
Owning an old Airhead is easy.
Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.

I am a big fan of the Reynolds ride off stands, all of my airheads have had them installed. Not so much for the ease of ride off but I have found in all the years of using them, I have never had a bike sink into hot asphalt, or grass so far. The ride off stand is so much more stable than either the stock stand and far better than the side stand.
Yeah, it is a pain to check the air in the tires, a board under the stand gives enough clearance to do so. As for pulling a wheel to fix a tire, I have been lucky I haven't had that issue. I did have a puncture in the rear tire with the stock stand on my RT and it was a pain to pull the wheel and change the tube. Doesn't matter what stand you have it is no fun changing a tube on the side of the road.
There is some hardware needed for installation of the stand you have. Springs and clips or such. The pictures in the installation instructions don't show them very well. I believe on the airheads forum in the BMWMOA club there was a recent thread about these stands. There was a good picture of the hardware needed to install on an 83. Good luck, St.
Beware! I do not suffer fools gladly! St.

Thanks for the information. I recognize that the Reynolds stand has it's downsides. I thought I'd give it a try, as one is available locally at a reasonable price. I can always change back. Also thinking of installing a Brown's side stand.
My R100RS has a deep sump. I haven't taken a look, but would that cause an interference problem with the Reynolds stand. It doesn't with the stock stand.
Thanks again.

Yes, there could be an issue with the deep sump oil pan. I ran into it myself. Sadly it was a long time ago and I can't remember the part number of the ride off stand I used that worked and didn't work. My RS is no longer in my possession . St.
Beware! I do not suffer fools gladly! St.

The Brown's side stand was an excellent choice for my RS. I do not even know if mine has the deep sump so I can't help you there.

The Brown side stand should have no issue with a deep oil pan. I found on one ride off stand one of the cross bars on the stand didn't clear the deep oil pan. If I find the stand that didn't work, I will try to get a number off it, just got to find it in my spare parts boxes. St.
Beware! I do not suffer fools gladly! St.

Many thanks for the help. I've got the Reynolds stand now, but haven't tried to mount it yet. If it doesn't work I figure I can sell it. I never thought about a potential interference problem between a Brown's side stand and the deep sump.
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