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EZ Pull Carb Return Springs

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David Kelly
Posts: 18
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Anyone have experience with these? I've torn apart, cleaned, freshly greased etc. my entire throttle assembly. Checked the cables and they're fine...relatively new, in fact. They don't hang up at all. Yet still, the level of effort required to hold the throttle open against the return spring pressure gets old after a while (or maybe I'm just a wuss who got spoiled on my previous ride-by-wire BMW's)...anyway there certainly seems to be others out there who feel the same way if there's a spring on the market to address the issue. Interested to know if anyone's used them or if it's seen as heretical to change them out...

Posted : 06/30/2018 13:31
Richard W
Posts: 2625

Those were available at one time. I have seen the link. Maybe it was in Snowbum's stuff.

I solved it on my bike by using the stock springs and a short piece of mechanics's wire. I simply bent a bit of wire about 1" long into a paper clip shape of about 1/4" long. Then added this between the spring and fixed mount on the carb, so that the spring tension was reduced by the 1/4" length.

It worked for me.

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Posted : 07/01/2018 23:32
David Kelly
Posts: 18
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Topic starter

Just a quick word about the springs - WOW. Significant difference - throttle is so much lighter, and yet on release snaps right back. Really great improvement, I'd highly recommend them. Bike is much more enjoyable to ride now.

Posted : 07/20/2018 19:44
James Clark
Posts: 1
New Member

Like night and day. Only had them about a month. I'll know more after my August cruise. It eliminates having to squeeze the throttle grip so damn hard.

Posted : 07/23/2018 17:12
Bradley Barrus
Posts: 35
Eminent Member

I too purchased and installed the EZ Pull throttle return springs y about 3 weeks ago. My R75/5 originally required a gorilla grip. The teeth on the twist grip throttle tube wore flat. These new springs are SO much nicer and easier on my hand that I'll probably remove the Throttle Rocker

Posted : 08/21/2018 19:24
Joe Taffuri
Posts: 6
Active Member

correct cable routing is a necessity make sure that’s good
Not sure what bike you own also the carb butterfly is that operating as it should and not tight,throttle tube that lubed? Etc etc etc

Posted : 09/09/2018 09:05


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