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Brown Sidestand

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My bike is a 1983 R100RS . The problem I'm having is when I have camping gear strapped to the back I have a real hard time getting my right leg back over the seat so I can put the stock side stand down. I can't seem to put the stand down while I'm still on the bike. Is the Brown easier to access? Are there any drawbacks to them?
Posted : 06/17/2020 21:12

The hinge point is directly below the gear shift lever, and the unit does not tuck under the exhaust pipe or muffler. Therefore access is greatly improved, especially for people with shorter legs.
Google images of "Brown side stand" and you'll see.
Owning an old Airhead is easy.
Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.
Posted : 06/18/2020 07:28
Cliff Black reacted
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