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1971 R60/5 Clutch Cable

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Michael Whitby
Posts: 35
Eminent Member
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Last fall my wife complained that the clutch engagement on her R60 had become very abrupt.
I've been working on other bikes 'til now, but when the new speedo arrived i had no excuse but to pull the bike out and start wrenching.
It would appear the clutch cable is too short.
When i restored the bike for her 12 years ago, I didn't know how to set the clutch cable properly, I just adjusted the push rod nuts to give me slack an 1/8" slack at the lever.
Now with the adjuster at the perch fully in, and the push rod nut fully backed out, i cant get the 201mm rod in place, short by about 15-18mm.
There is no number that I can see on the cable, does anyone have an old one rolled up in the dusty corner of the shop that they could measure the length of an original cable for me?
I don't want to go and order a new one until I know what the real length should be.
Thanks in advance

Posted : 04/10/2020 14:13
vince vivio
Posts: 2
New Member

Which bars do you have on the bike?

Posted : 04/16/2020 23:07
Michael Whitby
Posts: 35
Eminent Member
Topic starter

The normal N American with about a 6/7” rise I think

Posted : 04/18/2020 09:32
James Strickland
Posts: 423
Reputable Member

I just measured a spare clutch cable. The values are approximate because it's really cold in my garage at the moment.
Total length---54"
sheathed length---44 "

former Airmarshal, IL.

Posted : 04/18/2020 10:04
Michael Whitby
Posts: 35
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Thanks James,
I’ll assume it’s not cold enough to cause the cable to shrink LOL.
But understand it’s not that simple to get a straight cable that’s icy cold.
I am going to pull the cable off today ( I’ve been concentrating of getting my R90S started which I did, kinda yesterday)
Thanks again

Posted : 04/18/2020 13:04


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