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R60/5 Kickstarter not engaging

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Ryan Gist
Posts: 7
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My R60/5 Kickstarter was working fine. I rode the bike for an hour and then the Kickstarter would not engage. It goes straight down without engaging and then comes back up. No bad sound and I can still bump start and ride the bike. Thoughts on what is wrong?


Posted : 08/09/2016 01:25
Richard W
Posts: 2625

Before getting any dire thoughts of internal g/b repairs, check the 23 51 1 056 124 Lock Screw that anchors the k/s lever to the k/s shaft. This is the cotter that secures the k/s lever to the shaft on the exterior of the g/b. Only the ends of the Lock Screw are visible, but that is no assurance that the hidden center part has not been rounded off due to years of cranking.

Disassembly is not required, simply inspect that the shaft is turning 1:1 with the lever. A mark with paint or felt-tipped marker across the lever-shaft interface may make this inspection easier.

Hope this helps.

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Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.

Posted : 08/09/2016 09:26
Ryan Gist
Posts: 7
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Thanks! I'll check. I bet it is something worse because the lever does return to the top automatically.

Posted : 08/09/2016 20:14
Ryan Gist
Posts: 7
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Pulled the tranny out and discovered the Kickstarter gear shaft and gear had come out and were rattling around. Lucky they didn't get caught and cause significant damage. Suggestions on how to secure the shaft in the future so this doesn't happen again?

Posted : 08/22/2016 00:49
Richard W
Posts: 2625

Time to refer to the parts book. The gear is either held on by a (now missing) circlip, cotter, or set screw, or the gear was a press-fit affair. I can't imagine kick starting a bike enough to loosen a press-fit, so the circlip seems more likely.

Owning an old Airhead is easy.
Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.

Posted : 08/22/2016 20:56
Ryan Gist
Posts: 7
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Nope, it's the press fit shaft that came out. I'm going to tap it and bolt it in with a #8 fender washer and some retaining compound. Crazy design by BMW...

Posted : 08/22/2016 22:08
Ryan Gist
Posts: 7
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In case you wondered here is what I did. Removed the shaft and gear. Drilled and tapped the shaft. Replaced the shaft and gear using loctite. Secured the shaft to the outside of the tranny cover with a hardened bolt and washer. Works great and my bike is kickstart only!

Posted : 10/28/2016 00:13


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