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1982 R100RS Oil Change problem

3 Posts
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Jay Finkelstein
Posts: 10
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Removed oil filter, however the metal cap at far end of filter separated and remains stuck on the metal tube in center of oil filter cavity. Fashioned a hook out of mechanic wire to get behind this piece, but unable to pull the metal filter piece out.

Can that metal tube in middle that filter fits over be removed as it appears to have slotted end? If so how to reinstall? Looks like it could be tricky as it is so far in that oil filter cavity.

Help appreciated.


Posted : 11/09/2020 07:14
Jay Finkelstein
Posts: 10
Eminent Member
Topic starter

thanks for the input.....magnetic on telescoping rod finally worked....seems that the hook method cocked the piece enough to keep it from sliding out....did use the hook to remove the the left behind seal.....

Posted : 11/09/2020 12:05
Richard W
Posts: 2622


Yes, the central metal tube can be removed. It requires a special tool in order not to damage the tube. It uses a standard RH thread. If the tube is safely removed, then it can be reinstalled back into the engine after you remove the offending oil filter end cap.

In my restoration work have removed 3 of these tubes, and can tell you that some are installed with a reasonable torque, while others you'll swear the whole motorcycle is going to do a back-flip before the tube turns loose. There's simply no way to know before you try. 

So you must have a tool that applies a 100% engagement with zero angular component. That means any driver bit MUST have completely flat, parallel sides. Common home-style wedge screwdriver blades will only "cam out" and bugger up the end of the shaft so badly that the tube can never be extracted.

Hope this helps.

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Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.

Posted : 11/10/2020 08:00


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