[Solved] A brand new year is fast approaching

I think we had a pretty good year in 2018, the highlight being a first time event that Mike Cummings and I organized. That being "Airheads at the Peoria Grand national TT race". I am confident that we will do that again, so mark your calendars for mid-August. The provisional calendar for the Peoria Motorcycle Club indicates race day as August 17, 2019. Read more about the PMC here. http://www.peoriamotorcycleclub.net
We also had an unfortunate incident at the Pontiac camp-out when a couple of interlopers rolled up on us and insisted that we buy some firewood from them. I have a few ideas on how to deal with a repeat of that incident. An axe handle at the ready comes to mind.
There is also the Pecatonica swap meet the last weekend in April, and Dave Fahringer's spring tech day the first weekend in May. If anyone else has ideas or an interest in any kind of event, be sure to get in touch with me.
former Airmarshal, IL.

Any plans for 2023?

Yes. There are 2 tech days, and 1 camp out. Check the calendar section of this web site for the particulars. Also, if you have any ideas for events, I am all ears. https://www.airheads.org/calendar/
former Airmarshal, IL.
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