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2019 plans

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John Marshall
Posts: 17
Eminent Member
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I plan on writing a personal email to each of my 8 members. I am still scratching my head on how to add members? I know of many airhead owners locally who just are not joiners for one reason or another.
One thing I would like to do is hand out any copy, old or new, of the Airmail. Does anyone know if there are some issues that have too many copies left over? I feel offering a copy to someone with an Airhead might change their mind.

I also handed the former Airmarshal an award the other day for his service, he was thrilled. I am trying to find as many opinion leaders as possible to try and sell the club membership.

I have an awards certificate that I would be willing to share if anyone wants it.

Airmarshal Marshall in Oklahoma

Posted : 11/25/2018 23:57
James Strickland
Posts: 425
Reputable Member

Well, John, there are a few things that stand out to me.
1) more than a few of IL. members will tell anyone that the best $30 they ever spend is joining or renewing. That way, you can connect with members who have some level of expertise with these machines. Tell the young guys that when you meet them.

2) if you have all of 8 members, try to find a member who is close to a major metropolitan area and ask that person to host a tech day, or a lunch meet up. Surely, one of your guys has a garage and tools, and a willingness to share their experience. Then put an announcement on Craigs List, with a picture of an Airhead, in the category of "motorcycles for sale". That seems to pull up interest. Also, Facebook or Instagram.

former Airmarshal, IL.

Posted : 01/22/2019 22:00
John Marshall
Posts: 17
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Thanks, great ideas. I have a decent shop at my house. I think I will give that a try in the next few weeks. There is a Oklahoma City vintage motorcycle Facebook page with a number of Airheads as member. Think I will try that first. I have a couple of new members. One I paid for myself as a Christmas present.

Posted : 01/22/2019 23:22
John Marshall
Posts: 17
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Gene Fessenbecker

Gene has been great to deal with and very generous by agreeing to supply six issues for handouts. I hope he is ok with me posting this information. I just added another member to the Oklahoma roster yesterday and I think handing one of my issues of the Airmail closed the deal.
Juan in Oklahoma

Posted : 01/25/2019 14:42
John Marshall
Posts: 17
Eminent Member
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I recently asked John Covington to send me a list of current members (March 2019), ouch. Four people have let theirs expire and I have recruited 4 so this year is a wash.
Any one else noticing older members not renewing their memberships?

Posted : 03/15/2019 15:49
Mike Buhler
Posts: 238
Reputable Member

If it makes you feel any better the new Newfoundland chapter has all of 2 members. I need to do a little casting around local clubs to see if I can drum up a few more.

Posted : 08/30/2019 19:42


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