Wedgetail Ignition System Availability / Warning

A note of caution for those seeking to purchase the Wedgetail Ignition System from the US vendor:
I placed my order in early April of 2024. My card was immediately charged. Weeks went by with zero communication. Many subsequent phone calls were met with obfuscation, lame excuses and false promises. After months of trying to get some explanation for the delay, I contacted the North American importer directly. Pretty much the same story. No real explanations of substance. BS answers claiming a delay caused by US Customs. Then, during subsequent calls (which were respectfully some time apart), snippy answers about personal problems from them and a general attitude of "there is nothing that can be done". Throughout all of this, the only thing I asked for was to get a meaningful update on the status of my order. Neither of these guys ever phoned or emailed me back. They are apparently at odds with each other in some fashion and both come across as having a "Get off my lawn!" mindset. As customers - or potential customers - we are an afterthought. Now that the bulk of "Riding Season" has passed, any hope for upgrading my Airhead is off the table. I asked for a refund, and am still getting the runaround. While this is only the experience of one person, I suggest people take this into consideration when contemplating placing an order (of any kind) with this supplier. If I had to guess, the scheme is to take customer's money, use it for whatever purpose is deemed important in the moment, and eventually pay for the product from the importer. Then, maybe, they will go about shipping what you paid for. Understandably, the vendor cannot keep multiples of every item in stock, but that is no excuse for months-long delays.
Finally: We are a captive audience for this product. Motobins told me they are unable to ship Wedgetail products to North America. I find it distressing that one of the frequent advertisers in Airmail has been so unreliable on this particular issue. Potential buyers beware.

Have your credit card company issue you a refund.
Owning an old Airhead is easy.
Keeping an old Airhead running great is the true test.

It is a shame to read about this issue. I have dealt with the American sources of the system at times and found both to be of good service.
So this is a 180degree turnabout. Please keep us updated on progress, Thanks, St.
Beware! I do not suffer fools gladly! St.

@wobbly What I really wanted was the kit I ordered. So, it seemed waiting might be worth it. As it played out, shortly after I made this post, my credit was issued. Probably just a coincidence, but my concerns about the vendor remain. All of this ran contrary to the reputations of the parties involved, but things change - and not always for the better. Lesson learned.

With 3 years of use now in my ‘78, I feel comfortable recommending the Enduralast/Sachse system from EME. Mine is the model fit to my stock Bosch alternator. I have been very pleased with this product, and it’s much less expensive than the Wedgetail.
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