anniversary Tshirts out of stock

How long will it before the pebble XL shirts are available again?

The Anniversary Pebble T-shirts in size XL have sold out and will not be restocked. All the Anniversary shirts were produced as a limited edition product and the only reorder was done in January. There are plenty of the Navy T-shirts and mock turtlenecks in stock at this time in all sizes.

Is there a reason why you can't reorder if there's a demand for them?

These were purchased as a LIMITED ITEM. That means that when a size is sold out, it will not be replaced. These shirts have been available since September 2015 and there is stock available in the NAVY color.

I agree if there is enough demand why would you not reorder? summer approaching and the dark colors aren't as desirable, kind of like money in the bank

Limited edition i don't get it . They are not like signed and numbered prints or artist proofs . Just have more printed sell them for the whole year it's not like they are collectors items. The whole year is the anniversary . Sometimes I think the club is against making money.

I discussed this with Dave Cushing today. We are going to make one more order which will include the pebble shirt that sold out in the last week. The other shirts are still in stock. He will announce when they are in. If you want to know why they sold out, demand for these shirts has exceeded all expectations. Airstore sales since October have been more than double past sales for the same time period. Dave Rankine, Director Airheads Club.

I am glad Dave decided to print more . The problem you have is a good problem to have . I think the past of same colors of black are dark have limited the sales , with a newer lighter color for summer it has made sales go up . So your market has spoken good move for club .
thanks again.

ask for pre orders

I'm in for at least one more t-shirt. Maybe 2. I like T-shirts. 🙂

I will take 2 for me and 2 for the wife.

1 XL tan shirts for me.

I appreciate the member's desires for the Anniversary shirts. I will be reviewing the stock available and reordering the necessary sizes to fully stock the Airstore with Anniversary shirts. Some of you had said you want some of the shirts, but have not stepped up to the plate and placed an order through the Airstore. You can do that now as I have changed the status of the missing sizes. Basically it is a pre-order that you can do and I expect the availability to be within 3 weeks. Besides the Anniversary shirts, I am looking at other items to have available in the Airstore such as the recently acquired Ladies V-Neck T's in women's sizes S through XL. It takes awhile for the items to appear in the Airmail, but I try to have them listed online as soon as possible. Thanks to all who see this for the support of the Airstore. David

placed my order for 2 shirts

order placed. thanks for making this happen guys!
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