About the Airmail...

Kudos to Ian Hutchinson for some recent Airmail articles I really enjoyed. Renegades, on the other hand, has run its course. IMHO

I think the author of “Renegades” was hoping to get his story published in Easyriders. Alas, they went out of business.

"Renegades" has completely run its course. It's not even that interesting. But there's a comforting quality about it and I keep on reading. Kind of like watching old TV shows. Simpler times, etc..

Not everyone in the club is going to appreciate or like every article put in the Airmail. Complaining about the ones that you don’t like does not do anything good for the club. It only divides a club that appears to be in desperate need to stay together and add to the membership. Focus on complimenting the articles you like and the atmosphere around here will change instantly and make the club more inviting to outsiders. Bickering and complaining gets tiresome in a hurry.

Another reason for such low participation in this club...
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