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Why did I waste my money on a Airhead club membership?

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Steven Rankin
Posts: 244
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I will give the club leaders a nod of thanks for bring Brook Reams into the Club to write about his forte in restoration and repair of airheads .  I follow Brook on the BMWMOA site and gladly go to his website for information.

I am currently active in the MOA, Vintage, Adventure rider and BM forums

I can truthfully say I am not 100% the best forum participant, can be strongly opinionated, sometimes controversial and argumentative.   This the ONLY forum in which I am regularly insulted, worse yet by the so called Moderator

Currently in two forum threads I have been called a teenager who knows just enough to be dangerous.

 I have been told that my lifetime of wrenching and participation in repair and restoration of BMW airheads does not mean a thing because Mr. Whatley has far greater experience.  

I will concede to the second comment with the question is his thousand of hours been dealing with just BMW airheads?  I really could care less if he has a thousand hours of repair and restoration of British or Japanese motorcycles.  Those are far different than BMW with their own quirks and repair issues.  Some of the very basic mechanical items can indeed carry over to BMW.

I don't have thousands of hours as I never worked in a motorcycle shop as an employee however my knowledge is strictly with BMW bikes and I am constantly at a shop that specializes in said repair and restoration of only 1950 to 1995 airheads.

IF Mr. Whatley was a regular member of the club and was so insulting, I would let his snide remarks pass.  He is not a regular member he seems to somehow forget what the task of a moderator should be. It is not to insult shops or persons who do not totally agree with him nor should it be a shill job for No Ox or whatever product he constantly pushes as a miracle fix, 

Bottom line, I wasted my money re joining the new improved Airhead club because the same attitudes exist that caused me to quit the last time.  Same old stuff in a new package and when my membership expires this time I will not be back.  

Even the British Bike forum which gets pretty rowdy from time to time with various opinions does not have a moderator who insults as in the Airhead forum.   St.

Beware! I do not suffer fools gladly! St.

Posted : 11/19/2023 13:46
Joe Hall reacted
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James Strickland
Posts: 425
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Well Steve, it's been nice to have you as a participant. I usually start my comments with something to the effect of " in my experience" or "if it were my bike, I would".... Like you, I have many years of experience. I have no problem with Richards input, even if he does not always agree with me. I try not to respond to topics that I do not know everything about. (lets talk about the /5 main switch, I know everything there is to know about that) All of us add up to the whole of the club, and that is the main ethos we should keep in our minds. I'm thinking of the club cannons. Fact over fiction, Friendship over friction. When I was Airmarshal, it was not un common to have to warn members about treading close to the edge of stepping on the cannons. 

This post was modified 1 year ago by James Strickland

former Airmarshal, IL.

Posted : 11/19/2023 14:06
Steven Rankin
Posts: 244
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James, I have read your replies to questions posted and I an impressed.  I try very hard as you do to only reply to the best of my abilities.

I make a couple of suggestion: First, there would not be friction with me if Mr. Whatley were to keep his attitude in check. I have worked many years with various versions of his type and few of them ever turned out to be a positive asset or inspiration.

Second, if you all decide to keep allowing Mr. W's actions and are okay with them how about just eliminating the forum and rename it the Whatley advice column?  Frankly that in my mind might be a disaster as he is no Oak nor despite his ego will he be.

Again I say this is the only forum I have issues with on a constant basis I have been chastised in other forums when I got out of line and it has always been done in a respectful professional manner.  

What I have never seen with the exception of this forum is a moderator causing the issue first or being insulting when reprimanding me when I do cross the line.  In this case I DO NOT feel I have crossed any line and it is a given the line has been drawn by someone who feels it is okay for him to step over it.

At this time there is no reason for me to participate in this forum anymore.  I am wasting my time as you have Mr, W to answer everything what can I write that he does't already know.  Thankfully the dues to this club were not high so I have just paid to learn some things that look good are not always all they are cracked up to be,  St. 

Beware! I do not suffer fools gladly! St.

Posted : 11/19/2023 16:54
Joe Hall reacted
Ran Bush
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Hi Steve - I am not aware of the issues you have described, because I haven't seen the threads, but I hope you don't leave the Forum. I value your input, in this and all the other BMW Forums.

Ran Bush - Nor Cal Airmarshal


This post was modified 1 year ago by Ran Bush
Posted : 11/19/2023 19:10
Steven Rankin
Posts: 244
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James and Ran, I have written the owners in the three current forum posts to forget the advice I gave them due to my ignorance despite my lifetime of experience.

I made it clear I thought I was dealing with a forum but mistakenly wrote in a Mr. Whatley's personal Q snd A column.

I have suggested their best bet in the future for any work to be done should be done by either Mr. Whatley, or one of his chosen club members nearby or at a club function.

I will add here, God forbid they should go to a repair shop that doesn't use a vacuum device to set up carbs or don't recommend draining a gas tank for six months of winter storage. Shame on them they don't replace their fuse holders.

Remember keep buying that NO Ox.  Good bye. St.

Beware! I do not suffer fools gladly! St.

Posted : 11/20/2023 01:20
Joe Hall reacted
Steven Rankin
Posts: 244
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Now I see my post has been removed.  St.

Beware! I do not suffer fools gladly! St.

Posted : 11/20/2023 05:04
Eric Morales reacted
Steven Rankin
Posts: 244
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If you want an example of how a moderator should act in a forum, check out the UK forum's Rob Frankhamr. BM riders UK. St.

Beware! I do not suffer fools gladly! St.

Posted : 11/21/2023 07:23
Eric Morales
Posts: 74
Trusted Member


    I think people forget this forum is to provide/give their experiences to a problem to the author of the question. Its the author to choose wether to accept the information provided or not. Everyone else can read the inputs other provide if they like, but shouldn't argue another persons opinion or their knowledge. I think people read too much into the context instead of content. MTC

V/R Eric

Posted : 11/26/2023 18:28
Joe Hall reacted
Steven Rankin
Posts: 244
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Eric, I fully understand what you have written.  The issue I have is the undercurrent of insult dished out by the moderator of the Airheads forum.    

I respond to nonsense of for example, not using a carb sync tool to set carbs as the sign of an inept shop.  I understand many shops have such tools now but, to question the work of a shop owner who doesn't, so pointedly as Mr. Whatley does is boarder line insulting.

I don't know how much time you spend in various forums, I myself spend quite a bit of time amongst the four I belong to.  Members in general over time have said and done things I disagreed with in either knowledge or presentation. BUT as I say, they are the members, not the moderator.   In the other forums, such members are chastised by the moderators, it is NOT the moderator who is causing the issue.

Do you, yourself enjoy or find it positive to have a moderator or member call your experience to question in the manner of which Mr. Whatley has done?  St.

Beware! I do not suffer fools gladly! St.

Posted : 11/28/2023 09:54
Joe Hall reacted
Joe Hall
Posts: 72
Trusted Member

Steve I get what you are saying, but have not found it that bad here - at least not yet. If I ever do, you know me well enough to know I will speak up. I am glad you spoke up here; I believe all should have an equal voice, and mutual respect must be the norm. Board position should not make anyone 'better than', or grant them know-it-all status. I've always appreciated your input (on both forums we've been on together); it's obvious you speak from experience, and you choose your words carefully so as not to come across as a know-it-all, but as well intended and helpful. IMHO, can't ask for better than that.

With some of the quirkiness on Airhead boards, I wonder if it may be, at least partially age related, as most of us are getting long in tooth, and a bit cantankerous. As for the "other forum", I left because the mod came across as a know-it-all, and anything he did not know, he deferred to Snowbum's writings, as if it were Holy Scripture. Similar to what you've said here, I figured there, if the mod knew everything, no need to call it a forum (where ideas are exchanged), just call is a Q&A, with only that guy allowed to answer. So I called him out on his BS, then promptly left. But I did miss other members there, and was glad when you drifted over here. Hope you don't leave here as abruptly as I did there. It's good having you over here.   

Posted : 11/29/2023 20:40
Steven Rankin
Posts: 244
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Joe, I would rather a moderator quote snowbum or if it were possible Oak than to come across as a know it all as does the moderator here in the Airheads forum.   I don't have a real issue with this moderator's  knowledge or experience, it is the way he puts it out, his attitude.   

I know the moderator you are writing about and I find he is in both the MOA and Vintage forum to be humble.   I guess I missed your posts you had issues with so I cannot comment on his writing at the time.   

Vintage BMW is lucky to have Snowbum's stuff available online, sadly and I can understand why, Airheads is not so lucky to have Oak's material available anymore.   

As for old and touchy, yeah, I really resent a moderator calling me a teenager who just knows enough to be dangerous as has happened here in the Airheads forum.  I also resent having my friend's shop insulted by said moderator or myself for that matter as being unprofessional for not using a carb sync tool to set carbs.   I am not pleased when a moderator spouts nonsense about using a crystal ball to troubleshoot an issue when he didn't read replies and conversations that were leading to the same conclusions he was reaching at the same time adding a bunch of "I know best and you must do this" to the issue.

I always enjoy reading your posts, ride safe and happy.  St.


Beware! I do not suffer fools gladly! St.

Posted : 11/30/2023 08:46
Joe Hall reacted
Mike Buhler
Posts: 238
Reputable Member

I will say Richard put up a number of helpful posts on my thread help me with a few issues on my R100 RS. I do not claim to be anywhere near an expert with any of it, but I do what I can. He did chastise me a little for my chaos theory methods of doing things. I didn't notice he was a mod and just went on my way.

Talking forums I am here a little bit, Pelican Parts R1100 S a little bit, ADVrider every day with over 20K posts, MOA every day and our local every day. 

I did get tangled up in a couple of threads on ADV where the mods were coming in very heavy handed removing posts etc but it seems that it has settled down since the worst of it. Change of ownership there turned any number of people away. I have never run into any noticeable mod behaviour on the other 2.

I have tried a few other forums but after getting spanked almost immediately for a minor hijack and the totalitarian vibe I got I quickly left. 

To date here I have not had an issue but I can see the point of the OP. 

This post was modified 1 year ago by Mike Buhler
Posted : 12/04/2023 05:33
Joe Hall reacted
Greg Hutchinson
Posts: 14
Eminent Member

Gee, Steve...are we having fun yet;)


Greg Hutchinson

Posted : 03/15/2024 18:53


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