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Noobie question about elections

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Kirby S. Nellis
Posts: 4
Active Member
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While I have not posted on this forum before I have been a member for many (10+) years. At least I think it has been that long. I purchased my 1976 R 75/6 in 1998 or so.

My question is that I have looked through the bylaws to find out about the election process. I find sections on the election of the Board of Directors and also about the replacement of same. I see how the president of the board is elected. I find a section about how Airmarshals are selected but it doesn't really address how to replace an Airmarshal in the event of malfeasance. It looks like if someone wants to be Airmarshal then you submit your bio and position statement then there will be an election in October or thereabouts. I also have seen reports that a person did the bio and position statement but never heard anything back from the BoD. If an Airmarshal wishes to resign and no one steps up then the board appoints someone to that position. If this appointing occurred enough times then you would have a BoD that was made up of a bunch of appointed people upon whom who the club never voted, selected by a bunch of people the members never voted upon. While I know this is going quite a ways down the side road of what if, it still bears examination.

That all being said, I realize that to find someone to volunteer or desires to be an AirMarshal can be a difficult task. I don't know an easy solution to this question and that bothers me because I don't like to present problems without proposing at least a partial answer.

Is there some way that a region could somehow petition for a recall or a "no confidence" vote? This could and would apply equally to any region and any AirMarshal be that person an independent, a member of a duo or a member of a trio, or the whole BoD. What might be the requirements to initiate this recall vote? 1/3 of the responses from members of a region, 40%, 50%?

It's just food for thought.

On another note I personally think the blacking out / censorship of the AirMail is total bullshit. This is not Nazi Germany of the 1930's. We are all thinking adults here. Let us have some dialog.

Posted : 01/12/2023 16:15
John Deikis, Bret Williams, Eric Morales and 1 people reacted
Ran Bush
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Good points Kirby, and by the way, I don't think you're a Noobie. 8)

> a person did the bio and position statement but never heard anything back from the BoD.

I am the Nor Cal Airmarshal that submitted a bio and position statement last year after the acting Region 1 Director declined to continue his BoD role, and he asked me to volunteer to serve on the BoD as Region 1 Director. Although I had concerns about the activities of the BoD at the time, I submitted a position statement.

When I didn't get any response back from the BoD after a month or so, I withdrew my offer. If the ABC BoD can't bother to respond to my offer to volunteer, that's not a BoD that I want to be involved with.

Then AZ Airmarshal Dave Alquist stepped up to be Region 1 Director, and Dave lasted about a year before he was canned by the BoD three-person majority.

A few weeks ago, a current BoD member sent an email to all three of the acting CA Airmarshals, asking someone to step up to be a Director for Region 1. Based on recent events, why would any of us want to do that?

Apparently in the last 8-10 years, the BoD has received several proposals to revise and update the ABC Bylaws. All of the suggestions have been ignored.

According to the current club Bylaws, the BoD can terminate me as Nor Cal Airmarshal, any time they want to, for cause, or not.

Based on recent events, good luck finding another person to volunteer to be the Nor Cal Airmarshal, or join the BoD.

I can assure you that most of the current 167 Northern California Airheads will continue to host and attend Tech Days, Barley Therapies, and group rides whether or not I am the Airmarshal, or whether the 167 Nor Cal Airhead riders are members of the Airhead Beemer Club.

Too bad it has come to this.

Posted : 01/12/2023 19:41
Eric Morales
Posts: 74
Trusted Member

I nominate myself to the BoD position. My campaign consists of the 3 B's...Boxers, Beers and Bratwurst. 🤣 🤣  

Lets "Make ABC Great Again"


V/R Eric

This is all a joke and don't really want the position. I'm a full-time student and in the military. My time is limited. 🍺 🍻 🍺 

Posted : 01/12/2023 20:03
Kirby S. Nellis
Posts: 4
Active Member
Topic starter

So how does a regular member or group of members petition the BoD with an initiative? Rather than just making suggestions?

Posted : 01/15/2023 13:35
Kirby S. Nellis
Posts: 4
Active Member
Topic starter

Maybe something like increase the BoD to 7 with the 2 new ones being from the general membership but never both from the same region and those two new ones living no closer than 750 miles apart? This might be pretty awkward to implement. Perhaps just not living in the same state as the current BoD members. That would leave 45 states plus a few foreign countries open. In my case I would be ineligible if Dave Alquist was still on the BoD since we're both in AZ. but if I lived in Utah it would be OK.

Just thinking out loud here but open to suggestions.

Posted : 01/15/2023 13:54
Eric Morales reacted
Curtis Henry
Posts: 8
Active Member

Ran Bush, this statement is incorrect.

Then AZ Airmarshal Dave Alquist stepped up to be Region 1 Director, and Dave lasted about a year before he was canned by the BoD three-person majority.

Dave Alquist was not canned by the majority of the Board of Directors.  Dave chose to leave the Board of Directors on his own.  Please refrain from spreading misinformation.

Curt Henry ABC 5542 Minnesota Airmarshal Region 3 Board of Directors





Posted : 01/15/2023 15:25
Frank Jarrell
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

The bylaws published on the web site are incredibly vague. In practice for most Air Marshal I expect it is difficult to find more than 1 candidate. The term of an Air Marshal really is not defined. The nuts and bolts of actually running an election for as disorganized as a bunch of Airheads seem difficult. Especially for unpaid part time volunteers. I suspect Air Marshals are recruited rather than elected.

In response to How do you petition the BOD? Effectively a petition is a suggestion by multiple people. You can send it by an Air Marshal or Email it directly to the Board. There is not a mechanism for the  rank and file to take over the Club. That was the way Jan set it up when the club was incorporated.

Posted : 01/19/2023 07:34
Brian Scott reacted
Curtis Henry
Posts: 8
Active Member

@15080 Contact your Regional Director.  Contact information is listed in the Airmail.

Posted : 01/19/2023 15:18
Brian Scott reacted
Greg Hutchinson
Posts: 14
Eminent Member

Been spending too much time thinking about the big picture around the Airheads...and the structure.

As far as BMW MOA, RA, and independent clubs, the ABC has a unique setup.

Airmarshals are all volunteers with minimal guidance or responsibilities other than a passion for beemers. Most are excellent, while a few are MIA some/most of the time …they just like the title.

And passion is an excellent qualification for that position - organizing Tech Days, local rides, and campouts. Basic organizational skills, and communication; and at the local level, that’s precisely what’s needed.

But out of that small pool of Airmarshals, that singular group must select a management team that requires a different set of skills. And the way the club By-Laws are written, they seem to produce a leadership team elected NOT based on qualifications or life experience. Leadership at that level is a different skill level and thought process. The current pool of possible officers is too small for a club with over 2500 members. In most clubs, the President is responsible for the goals and direction of the club by assessing the current and possible future issues and – with input – formulating and presenting a plan going forward. It’s usually called a team effort.

Specific critical positions like the Store and Treasurer have people who specific skills …and have the experience to do an excellent job.

There are plenty of members who have the leadership, marketing, and financial management backgrounds who aren’t eligible to run for office – they’re not Airmarshals. The big picture, long view backgrounds to guide the Club with adaption to changing times while keeping the core vision in place. And know how to do this diplomatically with communication out and membership input coming in. When a club has this kind of leadership team is place, it’s a real joy for the members and eases the stress level of management.
I posted this a few days ago as a response to “why no younger members” posting in the Airhead Forum. My response just sorta got carried away.

I guess it must have something about the year-round riding out here..except for cruising around in an ark the last couple of weeks.

12 bikes are being built, repaired, or restored in the shop right now - .and all the owners are under 50. In fact, most are in their late 30s. They all attend airhead tech days and don't mind getting their hands dirty. And they have fun riding the old stuff. I'm guessing about half of my customers are under 50. Some have been riding dirt or other brands..and discovered the fun of a classic machine that occasionally needs tweaking. A couple of them said this is a LOT more fun than looking under the hood of the newest Tesla, Bimmer, MB, etc, and not being able even to tell where the engine is. Actually hear that quite often..oh and some great young female riders in the mix too.

Too bad the By-Laws don't open the election of officers to allow the general membership to run for office. I'm guessing there are more than a few who have the qualifications and desire to right the ship..but aren't Airmarshalls.

So yes, they all have social media in their lives, but most like the tactile feel of the magazine...and I give a bunch out every month to new customers.

As i said before, there is a thoughtful, planned method to ADD social media for outreach for those who want it..but what I've seen so far is the exact opposite of what we did a few years ago at the Vintage BMW Owners. Jamming something down someone's throat usually means someone starts choking. Not fun to watch



Posted : 02/04/2023 07:11
Bret Williams
Posts: 83
Estimable Member

@frankj I sent a text to my Airmarshall with my preference of who I would not like on the BOD.

I would suggest we all do the same. Make your voices heard.

Posted : 02/04/2023 09:37
Edward Adams
Posts: 30
Trusted Member

@5542  He "chose to leave" or was the situation caused by the other board members too toxic? Was it because the position was made so ineffective by friction with the other Bod's  that he felt he was wasting his time and energy?? (tomato-tommatto)

This post was modified 2 years ago by Edward Adams
Posted : 02/04/2023 17:17


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