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Letter to the Board

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David Cushing
Posts: 12
Eminent Member
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I got my January Airmail on 12/30.  I am concerned about what is happening to the club with the direction you are going.  There is a lot you need to explain if you want to be transparent in your guidance of the club. From my perspective, this board needs to resign.

Blacking out the printed material in this latest issue is censorship at its worse.  What was written there that scared you so much that it had to be covered up?  Was there truth being reported that you could not let the general membership see because it was against what you were doing behind the membership’s back?  Was it an opinion piece by the editor? Was it a travel story? No matter what it was, it is unacceptable for the membership to see blank areas in our club magazine.  The board needs to resign because of this censorship.
I understand that B. Jan, the Airmail editor and a founder of the club, has been fired by a 3 person board member majority without any explanation to the membership.  This action was HIGHLY improper by the board.  8 years ago, I was fired by a 3 person board majority the same way.  They learned that that action was improperly done and came to regret it.  What were the circumstances that led to the board’s decision to do that?  Why was it not communicated to the Airmarshals before any cation was taken?  The yes or no responses from the Airmarshals to a proper explanation of both sides of any problem, should have been your guide as to the desires of the membership.  I understand that no such survey was done, which would have been easily accomplished since you can easily send an e-mail to all Airmarshals at one time.  That would have been a proper method to use and provide transparency for your actions. That is only one example of your illegal/improper action.  I leave it up to you to research what else you failed to consider by your action.  This board should resign because of this illegal action after reinstating the editor.
When this board took over, Duck, the chairman who I considered to be a level headed and good person to lead the club, asked me to send him all the revised bylaw information I had worked on.  These are recommendations made by highly interested and motivated members to prevent a repeat of what happened to Jim Howland & I in 2014 as well as bring the bylaws into the 21st century so they could be guidance for the club for another 25 plus years.  I note that nothing of value has been done on this multiple member effort since the board took over. At one point, I was told the information was filed in a file cabinet and not reviewed.
I will also post this e-mail to the website for those interested members to see and comment if they have any interest.

David Cushing

ABC # 7506

Posted : 01/06/2023 12:48
Posts: 1
New Member

Ironic what the board chose to leave in the magazine underneath the censored articles! May be an image of text that says 'Why can't we disagree without hating one another. The correct response to free speech is more speech, not cancellation. Bill Maher R RTS AND COMPONENTS EURO MOTOELECTRICS'

Posted : 01/06/2023 16:01
Dave Eastly
Posts: 2
New Member

I got my Airmail yesterday. Sending out a redacted version like they did is an embarrassment. I don't always agree with what B. Jan writes, but I still enjoy his work and read the Airmail cover to cover each month. I also enjoy Jack Riepe's writing in the MOA ON magazine, even though he sometimes is "politically incorrect".

Regarding printing past Q&A articles by Oak, nobody is bringing up the fact that Oak's widow probably makes a small income from the sale of the "Top End Manual", and making his writings available on-line would probably diminish if not eliminate that.

The fact that the board is getting so much criticism from the membership over their recent actions should give them pause. They represent us, right??

Posted : 01/06/2023 18:20
Edward Adams reacted
Edward Adams
Posts: 30
Trusted Member

@15760   Apparently they don’t anymore. As I see it, there have been no attempts to resolve ANY of the discontent caused by the current board members.
Which, I think, is even more worrisome.

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Edward Adams
Posted : 01/07/2023 08:48
David Hulse
Posts: 6
Active Member

A censored Airmail with no Oak. What's the point? 

Dave Hulse


Posted : 01/08/2023 13:33
Michael Morris
Posts: 1
New Member

I’ve gone over the last three Airmails and I couldn’t find anything derogatory towards “The Trio” that B.Jan wrote.Even if I missed it I’d suggest putting a little Preparation H on it and suck it up. As for all the blacked out columns, you made the January issue look like Brian Epstein’s redacted friends list and reminded me of the present administration in DC. If you’re intent is dividing and eventually destroying this club then you’re off to a fine start.

Posted : 01/18/2023 14:42
Jon and Karen Alsman
Posts: 1
New Member

I've been a member for a couple of years. Not sure what the problem with B.Jan is. I enjoy his articles. Some don't. Looks like we should be able to work out Airmail content problems before dumping a guy who has worked so hard. Paid. Yes. But still dedicated to the club. Could be worse. Could be raining.

Posted : 01/18/2023 15:13
Bret Williams
Posts: 83
Estimable Member

@15760 It is quite obvious by the actions of the Three Amigos that they represent only themselves. They are not fit to be on the BOD.

Posted : 02/04/2023 14:30


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