February 2013 Airma...
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February 2013 Airmail Feedback Wanted

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Curtis Henry
Posts: 8
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The February 2023 Airmail is being delivered this week, please give the Board of Directors your feedback on this month's issue.

Posted : 01/27/2023 11:36
Brian Scott, Edward Adams, David Crawford and 4 people reacted
Brian Swanick
Posts: 76
Estimable Member

With no commentary on the events leading up to it, the new magazine looks professional and what I would expect a classic motorcycle magazine to look like in 2023. The articles were pertinent and interesting and I especially like the map graphic in the upcoming Airheads Events. Looking forward to the March issue.

Posted : 01/28/2023 16:38
Brian Scott, Eric Morales, Celia Williams and 1 people reacted
Nik Rende
Posts: 3
New Member

Being a member of the RA, the feel is familiar but that is not surprising.  I'm about half way through.  It looks professional and polished.  I hope that the board continues to pursue an arrangement that allows Oak's material to return to BOTH digital and print version.  I was a little disappointed in the number of folks who feel that penalizing those who choose the digital version only not getting the same product as those with the print version is somehow Ok.  I don't think that is fair. 


Posted : 01/29/2023 05:16
Doug Lambert
Posts: 14
Eminent Member

      I don’t think anybody has talked about punishing people that want an online version only. In fact I saw talk of online only subscriptions costing less than printed. As for Oak’s materials going digital, he made his wishes very clear. 
      I haven’t received the new Airmail yet. I am still wondering how much more the new Airmail is costing the club. The 3 in charge don’t seem to want to share that information while at the same time claim they are being transparent. 

Posted : 01/29/2023 09:44
Eric Heilveil
Posts: 2
New Member

Board of directors.

This is where I leave you.

The new issue of Airmail, in the new format is here and here is where my membership ends. 

I did not see a need to change all these years, and no one asked (at least I did not hear of anyone asking) for input for a change.  The new format is flashy but is not what I was hoping for.
I get no value from ABC that I cannot get from email list or my local old bike club and the fellow campers at the rallies. I see no reason to continue. 
It has been 30 years or so that I have been an ABC member. In all that time I never felt like I did not have a Voice. 
Well, that is how I feel now, muted and ignored.
I am still one of the younger members of the club with a stable of BMWs and years to ride them, I started very young.  
IF the ABC gets their head out of their posteriors I will be back 
Still, plenty to be involved with other marques as none of the other old bike groups, I play with would ever pull this crap.  Everything is voted on and the membership is always involved in decisions about the club's future.
Please try to do better and involve the club in decisions about the club, as you work for us.  Stop trying to figure out what we want and just ask.  You may be surprised at the response. 
Just put roses on my grave,
The late Eric Heilveil Member #8973
Posted : 01/30/2023 17:16
Celia Williams
Posts: 6
Active Member

Nice New Airmail !  I was pleased to go the  mailbox and have this Airmail waiting for me.  The new Airmail is professionally done and shows that the club is moving ahead.  A good publication is critical to the survival of a club and this Airmail hits the mark.  It puts the ABC on an equal level as the MOA and RA.  I am also a member of the AMCA and VJMC, and their magazines have also changed over time resulting in clubs worth subscribing to.  For all those who want this club to continue forward, then YOU have to provide input, large or small.  Be an AIRbassador !  Volunteer your time for the club. Keep your membership current. Submit material to the Airmail, attend events, be welcome to others while you are at motorcycle events, help others repair their bikes, give a subscription to Airmail to the buyer of your precious bike, and the list goes on.   Many thanks to all members who are keeping the club going!

FLAirhead AIRbassador and AIRminstrel, Celia Williams  15667

Posted : 01/31/2023 06:07
Eric Heilveil
Posts: 2
New Member

@shayeandcelia Change is fine but change for change sake is wasteful and change that affects a group should get the input from the group first not ask for input after.  For $2000.00 an issue the newsletter should polish my wheels.  I would rather save the money and put to killer rallies or airhead centrals or an improved website ....What shame the myopic behavior of a few AGAIN has, put the club at risk and forced long standing members to leave?

Posted : 01/31/2023 06:56
John Ehrhart
Posts: 43
Trusted Member

Change is certainly a challenge, but this one was worthwhile. 

We move from an amateurish newsletter to a professional production. This doesn't take away from the previous editor, it's just an evolution necessary to remain current, and attract attention.

I've only been aboard a few years, and being out in the wilds of Wyoming, have no knowledge or interest in all the political maneuvering which precipitated this change. I hope we can (to use a term I hate, yet is relevant here) come together to strengthen the club, so that it may remain a resource for us all.

Posted : 01/31/2023 07:16
John Deikis, Brian Scott, Joe Hall and 3 people reacted
Eric Zwicky
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

I got mine yesterday and I think it looks great.   I actually liked the old one just fine (other than paying for B Jan's personal socio-political soapbox)  but this new one is a big step forward in my opinion.    I'm glad I renewed my membership, as the magazine is the only tangible benefit I get from the club, and it's worth the $30 to me.     Looking forward to future issues.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Eric Zwicky
Posted : 01/31/2023 07:20
Brian Scott, Joe Hall, Bret Williams and 2 people reacted
Eric Zwicky
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

I got mine yesterday and I think it looks great.   I actually liked the old one just fine (other than paying for B Jan's personal socio-political soapbox)  but this new one is a big step forward in my opinion.    I'm glad I renewed my membership, as the magazine is the only tangible benefit I get from the club, and it's worth the $30 to me.     Looking forward to future issues.


Regarding the dropping of Oak's articles, I never got anything out of them that I can't get elsewhere (Snowbum, Airheads email list, ADVRider, BMWMOA Airheads forum, Brook Reams' documentation, Boxer2Valve, etc.    I don't understand the big deal about Oak.  Maybe it's a sentimental thing for old-timers who knew him, when the club was smaller, but I don't see this as a demerit againt the new magazine's format (no disrespect to Oak intended).

Posted : 01/31/2023 07:28
Bob Shilling
Posts: 1
New Member

Kind of bland. But, that seems to be what the BoD is aiming for. Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Can't we spice it up a bit, without the controversial politics? I thought Jan had done a pretty good job of it. Of course a certain amount of bias will occasionally seep through, but WTF, we don't live in a perfect world.

The "Head to Head" section just signs first names - maybe they're just made up letters. Really guys, let us know who's writing these letters. Catchy section title though. The old "What, Whair, When" section, blandly retitled "Upcoming Airhead Events," is a step in the wrong direction. I just got an email from SoCal AM Gary Jackson, enumerating several upcoming events not listed in this section. Must be others, elsewhere that I don't know about. Why the map? It's easy enough to scan the headings to find events near you, and the space could be used for more events. 

The articles about rides, wrenching, interviews, etc. look good, and professionally done, although I haven't read them yet. The tech section also looks good.

Unlike some of the other commenters, I did not join this club for the newsletter. I liked the "Airmail" better with Jan Hofman at the helm, but that's not my main concern. I think the BoD has done us all a huge disservice. I agree with the call for more transparency, and I think it is disingenuous to say that informing the members via the "Airmail", a month later, about important discussions is transparent.


Posted : 01/31/2023 10:21
Rob Tayloe
Posts: 7
Active Member

I recently received my printed Feb 23 issue of Airmail.  I did not get a Jan 23 issue.  The new format looks fine to me.  Personally, I'd rather have a downloadable on-line version.  The printing and mailing costs are likely quite high.  The cost savings could be better spent in having Airhead Central at MOA, RA, and perhaps other smaller rallies. 

Maybe B. Jan can work with Mrs. Oak to compile Oak's tech info into some sort of booklet for sale.  I do not keep the paper copies of any magazine.  Over time Oak's work will become harder to access, but as has been pointed out by others, there are plenty of other on-line sources of airhead tech info.

I do think that letter writers should have the full name and ABC# shown.  The bikes for sale might be better listed on-line rather than in the newsletter.


Posted : 01/31/2023 13:39
Brian Scott and Joe Hall reacted
Christopher Vestre
Posts: 3
Active Member

So much nicer! Well done! Feels like a fresh start. Let's hear some more voices!

Posted : 01/31/2023 13:51
Michael Stewart
Posts: 4
Active Member

Aside from all of the turmoil, the new Airmail is a great step in the right direction. I like the format and the detailed tech article with pictures. We need more of that kind of tech advice section and I consider that an upgrade. The Head to Head section was a good representative cross section of folks positions on the matter of B Jan and Oak. We should value what everyone has to say, but in the end the best way to move forward is to come together and improve the club. That doesn't mean keeping things as they always were as this club is dying. I hope we can all find some common ground to work from and keep this club going for the years to come. 

Mike Stewart

ABC# 10786

Posted : 01/31/2023 14:34
Dave Alquist
Posts: 9
Active Member

Our Spring Campout for 2023, the first get together of the year here in Arizona, has been inexplicably removed from the magazine. Why was there room for it the last few months, but not now? It's been a tradition for over 20 years. As far as the rest of the magazine, it's glossy, but the articles don't interest me. So, we're getting half the magazine for twice the money? And my ad for Quality Cycle Service is half sized; even though I've paid for it.

Posted : 01/31/2023 16:18
Doyle Smith, Doug Lambert, Bret Williams and 1 people reacted
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