Changes to how memb...
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Changes to how memberships are purchased on this website

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Mario Magliozzi
Posts: 5
Active Member
Topic starter

Hi Heads,


I work as a volunteer on the website and recently made some changes to the way membership plans are managed by the website software. When we first launched the new website we created the option to purchase 1-year and 2-year memberships for each region. This caused some headaches for the membership team (also volunteers) where members who switched between these 1 or 2 year options would have multiple "membership plans" in the database which needed to be manually adjusted to correctly attribute any overlapping time the member had paid for. 

So with the launch of our new Digital-only membership option, we decided to address this issue and change the way memberships can be purchased. Now when you go to renew, or purchase a new membership you can simply increase the Quantity of the product either on the product page or within your shopping cart on the site. By increasing the quantity you increase the number of years you'd like to purchase at that time. So this new method allows you to purchase any number of years you'd like. 

Those with existing 2-year memberships will need to renew via this new method and should contact the membership team at to alert the team to attribute any overlapping time correctly to their new membership plan. 


I apologize about any confusion this may cause, but this new method should make the process much easier for both the members and membership team. Please let me know if you have any questions, and know that you can always check on your membership plan type, status and current expiration date by going to this link:


Thanks, Mario

Posted : 04/12/2023 08:40
James Strickland
Posts: 425
Reputable Member

What about the members who renew the old fashioned way?

This post was modified 2 years ago by James Strickland

former Airmarshal, IL.

Posted : 04/14/2023 18:55
Mario Magliozzi
Posts: 5
Active Member
Topic starter

Hi James, nothing changes for those members. You have the ability to pay by mail for however many years you'd like. The membership team volunteers will sort out adjusting your account dates on the website.

Posted : 05/02/2023 06:57


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