19 inch FRONT Snowflake Wheel Recall

UPDATE:  The silver replacement wheels are no longer available (36-31-1-238-959).  Gold wheels are available and the recall will be honored.   36-31-1-238-960.

19 inch FRONT CAST ALUMINUM SNOWFLAKE wheels were recalled.  NOT 18 inch front wheels.  NOT 18 inch rear wheels.  Recall is ONLY for certain AIRHEADS 19 inch front cast aluminum snowflake wheels.

I still hear occasionally about an old recalled wheel that is still in service. There was a BMW factory recall on SOME FRONT 19″ cast snowflake wheels, & only those! Supposedly a U.S. Federal Recall Campaign never goes out of date. The RECALL is world-wide, & there are specific recall campaigns in the various countries. BMW will provide the recall service, as described in this article, for the BIKE, the bike identification is needed……..AFAIK! I have yet to hear of/from anyone who brought in a wheel to be exchanged & the wheel was not tied to a specific bike identification. You could be the first to tell me the details!

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Wheel Bearings

These procedures may seem complicated at first, but in reality it takes only minutes, once you have done it previously.  MUCH of the information will not, perhaps, apply to YOUR motorcycle, but it all does need to be read, and understood.

BMW Airhead motorcycles are relatively tolerant to abuse and poor maintenance. Our human bodies are not tolerant to being dumped on the road at speed from a motorcycle. Of all the items that are safety related, the mechanically most important are the condition of the wheels, tires (tubes if any), brakes, wheel bearings.  For non-mechanical, well, of sorts, one could add the importance of the rider’s clothing, and, in particular, the rider’s condition and competence/skill.  

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