Bullock NC Spring Tech Day on Kerr Lake

Event Details

Please join the North Carolina Airheads For the second of what we hope will be many tech days in Bullock NC.  Shop doors will open at 8 AM at Ted Holtaway’s place on the NC / VA border on the shore of Kerr Lake.  Perform general tune up and maintenance or more in-depth work if desired (no oil changes please).  If you have a specific project in mind, please contact Ted ahead of time so we can line up the tools and supplies.  Or just come enjoy the camaraderie of other airheads, lunch, a day in the country, and a swim off the dock.  Two lifts available along with some specialized tools (steering head/fork, cycleworks /5 engine tools, clutch tools, Grok Harmonizer).  Friday arrival / Saturday night stayover welcome, we have lots of space for tent camping or throw your bedroll in the climate-controlled workshop. Email Ted at tholtaway At Yahoo.com with any questions.  Lunch and non-alcoholic beverages provided.  Will have coolers with ice for your beverages.  4526 JI Oakes Rd, Bullock NC.  NOTE: Google maps still shows an empty lot but will get you right to our gravel driveway.

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